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  • Humans and animals People from time formed entirely dependent on nature.
  • Apes , bushmeat by using nine brain grows , gradually separated from wild animals that become human .
  • People have used the media as primitive hunters chased , surrounded , cornered animals in caves or lakes and try to catch and kill .
  • Later, around three thousand years BC , humans learned to use labor , bows and a few rudimentary traps to catch animals - stone age man was aware of animals as horses , bison . rhino , elephant , buffalo are predators that hunt them , and they knew the forest birds like chicken , pheasant , Company , Duck , Goose ... the birds for meat .
  • Many archaeological traces proved that humans had hunted wild animals for meat birds from the ancient era ...
  • In the process of growth in the number , balance relationship between humans and animals has not longer be maintained as before - Humans have used every form can range from simple to complex , from primitive to modern hunting of terrestrial animals in the forest as well as in the high hills and plains , for the animals in the water , from streams , rivers , ponds , lakes to deep sea ..
  • Because human impacts such that the number of animals has changed every year .
  • There are species become rare species in danger of extinction worldwide .
  • But people also have to actively domesticated livestock from the first mammals such as dogs , cats , horses , pigs , cows , rabbits ... for the birds like pigeon , chicken , duck ...
  • Then when know the benefits of many other animals , people have started to feed like bees , deer , monkeys , Geckos , Pythons , Snakes .
  • Coc ...The classification of the animal world Humans have the need to arrange animals were observed for a long time .
  • It is classified ; This classification has been gradually revised in the light of modern science to have a classification system that we know today .
  • Typically , the animal kingdom is divided , meaning that aggregate all the animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
  • The animals have a bony skeleton includes a spine formed by the vertebrae , while the invertebrate animal without a spinal column so.
  • The reality is very complex , because among vertebrate animals , including fish , amphibians , reptiles , birds and mammals occupy only very small part of the animal kingdom , about 40,000 species out of about 1,100,000 species ( or even more ) .
  • Sectors : In the classification system , it is divided into sectors .
  • Examples include but industry Wired live animals have a notochord ( at least in a state of pregnancy ) , a soft rod , the forerunner of the spine .
  • Because the animals live wire not more so people put them on a branch .
  • Industry is a major unit of the animal world .
  • Each industry is characterized by a defined anatomical structures .
  • Other branches of the invertebrate animals .
  • The industry is important nudibranch ( usually a hard shell wrapped ) , echinoderms industry ( including starfish ) , joint sector Truth ( with body armor : insects , crustaceans , spiders ...
  • ) and Guts industry chambers ( including corals , jellyfish ) ...
  • There are large differences in the anatomical configuration of the industry representatives .
  • For example , most animals have bilateral symmetry structure , the prickly skin , gut cavity have radially symmetric , ie arranged around an axis .
  • The species of earthworm burning legs and joints ( such as earthworms , leeches ...
  • ) segmented structure ; Our body consists of a number of consecutive combustion , contain virtually the same agency .
  • The class , order, family , genera, species , varieties: Each sector is further divided the class , including the set and keep it.
  • For example, the pigeons have Latin names ( international value ) is Columba by Linne ( Carl Linnaeus ) , Swedish biologist , coined in 1758 , is composed of forests Pigeons ( Gam records ) - Columba Livia Gmelin , the Dove - Columba Livia domestica Gmelin and brown pigeon - Columba punicea ( Blyth ) .
  • In each species name , the first word is the genus name ( Genus ) , the second a species name ( Species ) is determined , and the third name is the name zoologists have described species , when people have more describe the year for easy identification and reference .
  • As above , including costs Columba passenger pigeon , the pigeon , pigeon brown .
  • Chi chi Columba and some other neighboring Streptopelia , Treron ... into their meeting Pigeons Columbidae .
  • They are located in the Columbiformes Pigeons , Birds class Aves.

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