

Text from JeremieGTSC - English

  • A letter to my sister

  • Boston, 27th June 1867 Dear Maisie, I write you from Boston where I’m living now.
  • If I didn't wrote you earlier, that's because I didn't wanted to spend money.
  • It has been hard for me to get money this winter.
  • I hope you didn't worried about me.
  • Once arrived to Boston, I searched for a job but I didn't find one.
  • At the beginning, I lived by the street, with no money, no house, no food.
  • People who were walking the street sometimes pay attention to me, but it doesn't mean that they gave me money.
  • I should have not ate anything for 3 or 4 days.
  • The food was scarce so I had to steal it.
  • I felt really isolated and pessimistic.
  • I was suffering from hunger and I was needy, winter was coming..
  • I thought I would die here and never see you again.
  • But one day, in a cold evening, an old grandma came to see me.
  • She told me that she could help me and she told me to follow her. I did it.
  • Her name was Elizabeth and she was living alone in a little house next to the sea.
  • I stayed in bed for one week and she gave me food.
  • When I was restored, I started to find again a job.
  • And I found one, in a grocery.
  • I was finally lucky, and I started to trust in the American Dream when I saw money starting to come in my pockets.
  • I am really happy to see all what I've went through and what i became now.
  • I still live with Elizabeth.
  • She's really nice with me.
  • I should send you 200 dollars in one week.
  • I recently had a new idea : I'll go do prospecting in Yukon.
  • With summer comes the ice melting so that'll be easier to find a gold nugget and get rich.
  • That will be risky but I think that will also be a great and exciting journey.
  • Your brother, Danny.