
Text from ev9eniy - English

    • Mini Essay: The Way How to Help the Poor

    • In the modern world, there are are plenty of developing countries where people live in poverty.
    • Although developed countries are trying to help them with money and supplies goods, there are still lots of people live in poverty.
    • I am going to give my opinion how to a society can deal with this issue to eliminate lack of money for the poor.
    • Around the globe, some people live in terrible conditions, some of them have a sever disease or have a lack of food.
    • Some of these people received help from developed countries.
  • It is very important for them, because sometimes it saves their lives.
    • For instance, in Africa were sent tons of money and medicine which can fight against common disease and also stop uncured infections such as AIDS from spreading.
    • However, people in those countries still live in poverty despite of money and medicine, because it helps to survive rather than live a better life.
    • Therefore, the most important role of the rich countries is to provide the poor with knowledge how to become wealthier.
    • To illustrate my point, the wealthy countries could build educational centers.
    • There are each individual be able to learn useful skills how to be more efficient and earn more money.
    • As a result, the poor will have the ability to know how to improve their life.
    • To conclude, there are a lot of the poor whose live could be better.
  • Therefore, the world’s powerful countries should provide educational as well as economical help.
    • As a consequence, some people acquired useful knowledge to live a better life.