
Tekst fra - English

    • Please correct these sentences , thanks a lots.

  • You should cut down on your tasks to reduce your stress.
    • They are endangered breed such as the Siberian Tiger,the Polar Bear, the Yangtze River Dolphin etc. Time is running faster in prosperous city that led to most of people to become a fast food junkie.
    • The girl who is a cancer sufferer, Her friends have made a memorial meeting before she die.
  • You should punctually have a meal as a dietary habit.
    • Three meals in per day that is a way to keep a dietary habit.
    • I never believe that he would love me within his DNA.
    • Before you attain precise conclution, you must carry out enough the tests.
    • Our blood contain many sorts of trace elements.
    • These photos conjured up my memories.
  • Although she had a cavity, she still has a sweet tooth.

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