
Testo da huamanhtuananh - English

    • Help Me

  • My hobby is collecting the stamps.
  • When I still only a baby, my mother began to collected them for me.
  • Of course, she did not let me touch the stamps until I was old enough not to spoil them.
  • I remember that it was on my fifteenth birthday that she first put them into my hands.
  • They were in fat books,but since that time I have added three more,so that now I have a bigger collection than many of my friends.
  • Do you know why and how that got my stamps?
  • I have never bought a single one from a shop- so many collection has really cost me nothing.
  • My father, who works in a big office, sometimes brings me home stamps from many countries of the world.
  • And I have friends both here and in other lands who send me stamps in return for ones which I send to them.
  • Now that I am working for my living, I do not have as much time as before to spend on my stamps.
  • But in the evening, what can be better than to sit down at a table with my precious books, arranging new stamps in them, writing in the names of countries, or, if I am too tired, only looking through the stamps already in the books?
  • Each stamp has a story to tell me of far countries and strange people.
  • I see pictures pass before my eyes, and I can follow the history of nations.
  • I can see Hitler’s Germany spreading over Europe and then suddenly breaking into pieces Pakistan is born before my eyes, countries rise and countries fall.
  • And the whole time I remain comfortably in my armchair at home.
  • But my stamp collection does not make me think only of the past.
  • Just as my mother collected for me, so I, too am collecting for my future child.what better way will there be of interesting him in history,geography and languages ,and of making these subjects live for him instead of being only things in school books?
  • If I pass my hobby on to him ,he will bless me for it as I have blessed my mother for her wise action One of my hobbies is photography.
  • I’ve got two digital cameras: one small pocket-sized camera that I carry around with me,and one bigger,more expensive camera that I use one special occasions.
  • I take photos so that I have a record of the things I’ve seen or done.
  • Most of my photos are of friends and family,but I also take pictures of interesting things that I see. i like photography because it’s a creative hobby and unusual or beautiful images,and it’s a great felling to be able to look back through my pictures and relive different experiences.
  • The last time I took photos on a special occasion was at my friend’s wedding a few weeks ago.
  • I got some great pictures of the bride and groom and their guests celebrating.
  • After the wedding I made an album of all the best pictures and sent it to my friend as a present