
Text od vaness182 - English

  • January 26th

  • Today is Saturday, January 26th.
  • Today the weather was warm, now, is cold and windy.
  • Today I have quite a terrible tooth ache.
  • Last night, My girlfriend stayed with me 'cause her house in remodel, also today.
    • we chose the colors to paint the Xiomy's room.
  • Later that paint the room, we will decorate the room.
  • I want our photos on the wall like stairs, one below the other, her medals, she won on soccer in the team from school.
    • Although our photos are on the pc, later, we choose the photos and will print and we will use the stapler to attach the photos .
    • The last weekend, a friend invited us to meeting in the biggest park from Bogota.
    • Today, we went to meet new people, guys and girls that like the animes, games, skate (for that we went), and indie music.
    • Well, when all guys saw to Xiomy, everyone liked Xiomy, but she has girlfriend (I).
    • I like she when wear the pink helmet and colorful skateboard with the phrase : "Mundo de kolores" written in Spanish would "Mundo de colores". which mean "world of colors." Finally, my favorite part was, so many tents, but one in special, in which the couples to propose marriage.
    • She proposed marriage me, clearly I accepted.
    • She doesn't give me a ring, she gave me a colorful bracelet.
    • Missing 19 days to Valentine's day.