
Texto de Raffy_Patel - English

  • March 13b

  • Hello again.
  • This is my second entry for this day!
  • Well, the linemen left without notifying me.
  • I think I've misunderstood what one of them told me.
  • I believe all they did this afternoon was perform an ocular inspection of the area to see the best way to connect our house to the internet.
  • I hope everything will be settled by tomorrow.
  • The internet stick I'm using limits my online activities.
  • Internet use is limited to 800 MB, so the number of YouTube videos must be kept to a minimum.
    • Well, as a home-based worker I should not be watching videos during working hours but I can’t help but find ways to keep me awake.
  • =) I have still got some files to finish, so bye for now!

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English