text de la - English

    • My scientific interests

    • Please, help to correct the text of my friend, I know nothing in psyhology and I m too nervous to deal with it now :) Three years ago I worried what contribution I can make in psychological science.
  • I was looking for psychological things that will be attractive for me to study.
  • I looked through studied disciplines offered by our department.
  • I have been reading many psychological books at the same time.
  • Finally, I found the subject of my interest.
    • It refers to mental disorders, for example, schizophrenia.
    • I m interested The way they think, see and perceive our world from the point of view of cognitive designs and processes (like thinking and memory).
  • I don’t know why but this subject is very interesting to me.
    • May be I want to prove that they are not monsters as many people consider in our country.
  • Yes, they are not such, as all.
    • But it’s mean that we should help them to live in our country.
    • It will improve quality of life of each person separately and, probably, all country as a whole.
    • May be that’s why I have interest in this spear.
    • But so it is ore not so… I should think over it still.

Vă rog, ajutaţi la corectarea fiecărei propoziţii! - English