Fra_fraからのテキスト - English

  • Exercise

    • Title: Most school offer some type of physical education program to their students.
  • Why is physical education important?
  • Should physical education classes be required or optional?
    • Discussion: Physical education is an essential activity in modern society, fortunately most school offer some type of physical education program to their students.
    • During the last decades people's life-style had become always more static and less active, this had cause the rise of new health deseases such as the diabete and obesity.
    • Unfortunately this hillnesses regard not only adult people but also their children, that spend most of their days stucked in front of the TV or computers, instead of running or playing with ball outside.
  • For these reasons I think that physical education could help fighting this deseases.
  • Furthermore many studies show that a lot of students feel stressed about their educational programs, and so implementation of physical education could help to reduce student's emotional stress and let them recharge with an open air lesson.
    • Finally it's important to consider the relational sphere that physical education help to develop.
    • During this kind of lessons, infact, students would improve their team-skills that only sport activities could develope, at the same time physical education strengthen student's friendship helping them in beeing more social.
  • As a result it's not a surprise that most schools offer this kind of program to their students and make them mandatory.
    • So I don't think that this classes should be optional, since sometimes society, and school as well, most take some decision for the citizens' wealth.
  • One of this choice should be the introduction of required physical education classes in every school.

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