
Texto de Kiss_of_the_rain - English

    • punishment for 15 years old who is caught drinking and smoking

    • The smoking and drinking among kids becomes big problem.
    • Now - time of permissiveness and for schoolchild much easier find incompetent seller which sells them cigarets or alcohol.
    • Many parents think that more severe the punishment for some bad habit such as smoking or alcohol abuse the better it will work.
    • However, this is not always.
    • Punishment may embitter the child, destroy the relationship with their parents, and cause offense, but kid anyway can smoke and drink.
    • First of all, need to understand why kids smoke.
    • Psychologists think that boys and girls are trying to smoke for different reasons .
    • Boys want to look more adult, "cool ." According to them , smoking cigarettes - one of attributes of adult life.
    • If somebody smoke in boys company, it is very difficult for teenagers to resist their friends opinion.
    • This interest in the forbidden fruit: they must secretly smoke from parents and teachers, hide this fact , and it's so interesting for them.

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