
Text from DAVIDEPOBBE - English

    • I like travel:)

    • name is davide and I'm italian...I'm 22 years old!!
    • I would like more travel in this year for know new culture,new languages and I met new people For me travel sign more because I want know more things.
    • Now I stay in london and in febraury I will going to miami...there??I don't know!...maybe this summer I return in italy and I take the apartment in tuscan or in venice...if you want come in italy I will be hosting to my house...good day to all..bye!!


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • I would like more travel in this year for know new culture,new languages and I met new people For me travel sign more because I want know more things.
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    • I would like moreto travel inmore this year for knowbecause I want to learn new cultures,new languages and I want to meet new people.¶For me travelling sign more because I want to know more things.
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  • Sentence 3
    • Now I stay in london and in febraury I will going to miami...there??I don't know!...maybe this summer I return in italy and I take the apartment in tuscan or in venice...if you want come in italy I will be hosting to my house...good day to all..bye!!
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    • Now I am staying in lLondon and in febraury I will going to mMiami...there??Why Miami? I don't know!...mMaybe this summer I will return in ito Italy and I will take the apartment in tTuscan or in vVenice...iIf you want to come in ito Italy I will be hosting to my house to you...gGood day to all..bye!!
    • Now I am staying in lLondon and in fFebrauary I will be going to mMiami... Maybe there??. I don't know!...maybe this summer I will return in ito Italy and I take thean apartment in tTuscany or in vVenice...i If you want come in ito Italy I will be hosting to my house to you...good day to all..bye!!
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