
Pesan dari Juldyro - English

  • My Marketing Strategy

    • Today I was pushed to spread leaflets.
    • I had to advertise a language workshop.
    • Since I enrolled to global organization called AIESEC I encounter new challenges everyday.
    • I'm kind of enjoy it, but spreading leaflets seemed to unrewarding.
    • People usually don't want to take hold of it.
    • Often you aren't convinced for this you're advertising.
    • You're ashemed of being so bothersome and pushy.
    • I felt the same, but I deicded to change it.
  • What I did first was to change my thinking.
    • I started to think about myself as a perosn who helps others to develop their language skills.
    • Being sure of what your doing is crucil at least in marketing.
  • Not only did I give them leaflets, but also I started to talk to them.
    • Firstly I spoke some common phrase like „ here you are” or „come and master your language”.
    • It was working, at least they were taking it.
    • Then I came into wonderful idea.
    • I was promoting English workshop, so why don't to hand it speaking in English.
  • I started to imitate a foreigner student. That worked!
    • Not only did they take it but also they thanked me with a smile on their face.
    • Apparently English girl seemed to them more attractive and convincing than Polish one.
    • What's more it was something new.
    • It's very hard in my country to bump into the leafleter who is speaking in other language, so that's why it attracted their attention.
    • Thanks to this experience I relized that everything depends on your perception and also I gained motivation to study English.
    • You never know where it can be useful.