
Texto de HappyHipo - English

    • Line graph

  • The line graph illustrates how many complaints were made by citizens to authorities from 1980 until 1996 in Newtown.
  • It also divides complaints into four types: complaints about the noise from road works, factories, traffic and domestic noise.
  • In 1980 the highest number of complaints was made about road works.
    • However, complaints about this noise gradually fell and only one hundred people complained about it in 1996.
    • The number of complaints about noise from factories rose constantly (from four hundred in 1980) and reached a peak of seven hundred in 1996.
    • The quantity of people complaining about traffic and domestic noise remained constant between 1980 and 1984 (at 300 and 500 persons respectively).
    • In 1984 the number of these complaints dropped 100 and remained at those rates until 1988.
    • Then, the quantity of complaints rose significantly: complaints about traffic noise doubled while the number of people disturbing by domestic noise reached the highest peak of 1200 complaints in 1996.
    • To sum up, the number of complaints about road works fell in 6 times while the number of them about other 3 types of noise doubled by 1996.

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English