
Text from vaness182 - English

  • January 17th

    • Today is Thursday, January 17th, At night, the Colombian Soccer team will play In Argentina with Argentina, then my parents and the Xiomy parents will be watching the match.
    • I watched with Xiomy the last match, but she doesn't like it, she likes stay lie down on de rug with me.
    • I like cook, I want to cook something special, I need ideas.
    • Last night, we stayed front the chimney, and talked almost all night.
    • Today, my BFF gave me a pink scarf, I love it, Xiomy tried to take it from me, but I don't let her.
  • Later when I saw that she got angry, I took the scarf and I holded the scarf on her hip.
    • This morning at 9 o'clock, I was taking chemical class while she was taking math, she started to write messages for the cell phone. at 10 o'clock my teacher scolded me.
  • Before the recess, One boy sat beside me and tried to talk, but I didn't, I stayed in silence.
    • That boy is a new student, when the classes finished, he called me and said me: "would you like to go at coffee shop to eat something and meet us".
    • When I listened it, I said his: "not thank, I have plans", and he said me: "have you boyfriend", I didn't answer.
    • When Xiomy and I were eating he sat beside us, I don't like that, then, I said to Xiomy: "come, let's go to the bathroom", and guy said: "you girls appear girlfriends", and I turned around and said: "yeah, she is my girlfriend", and I kissed to Xiomy.
    • After that, he still try to molest me and my girlfriend, but a guy of my class pushed the boy that molest me.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
    • Today is Thursday, January 17th, At night, the Colombian Soccer team will play In Argentina with Argentina, then my parents and the Xiomy parents will be watching the match.
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    • Today is Thursday, January 17th, At night, the Colombian Soccer team will play In Argentina with Argentina, then my parents and the Xiomy's parents will be watching the match.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 1ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
    • This morning at 9 o'clock, I was taking chemical class while she was taking math, she started to write messages for the cell phone. at 10 o'clock my teacher scolded me.
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    • This morning at 9 o'clock, I was taking chemical class while she was taking math, she started to write messages foron the cell phone. aAt 10 o'clock my teacher scolded me.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
    • That boy is a new student, when the classes finished, he called me and said me: "would you like to go at coffee shop to eat something and meet us".
      Vote now!
    • That boy is a new student, when the classes finished, he called me and said to me: "would you like to gomeet us at a coffee shop to eat something and meet us".
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 9ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
  • Sentence 11
    • When Xiomy and I were eating he sat beside us, I don't like that, then, I said to Xiomy: "come, let's go to the bathroom", and guy said: "you girls appear girlfriends", and I turned around and said: "yeah, she is my girlfriend", and I kissed to Xiomy.
      Vote now!
    • When Xiomy and I were eating he sat beside us, I doidn't like that, then, I said to Xiomy: "come, let's go to the bathroom", and guy said: "you girls appear to be girlfriends", and I turned around and said: "yeah, she is my girlfriend", and I kissed to Xiomy.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 11
  • Sentence 12