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  • Online Courses

    • For a few years, MIT published its courses on the Internet in a project called "Open Course Ware (OCW)".
  • Last year, online courses increased more and more.
    • There are many websites have offered many courses online on the Internet for free, and you can get a certification.
  • I have used websites like edx.org and coursera.org.
    • I took the electronics course in edx.org last year and enjoy.
    • Edx.org website has powerful tools that can help me to learn like a real course.
    • In the electronics course that I have taken, this website had a powerful simulation and to make my simulation on that website all I need was a browser.
    • Edx.org organization has made the code of that website open source (open source means any one can read a programming code).
    • Not like before, the internet now full of a massive amount of courses on any kind of fields.

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