
Text von FoRussian - English

    • My nephew

    • I have a nephew.
    • She lives with here mom (my sister) and her dad (he is not good, I'd rather say - very bad.
    • And he just must be expelled.) across from us in the house that were brought by my mother.
    • The nephew comes to our home very often.
    • She makes alot of noise and she likes to play on the tablet.
    • But we don't give it to her 'cause she try to steal it and take with herself.
    • And she cries when we try to take it back.
    • So now we just don't give it.
    • She likes cat but she make it hurts.
    • Cat know it and when cat see or even hear that nephew is here, she try to hide.
    • Often cat just go to me and I save it.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English