טקסט של - English

  • Correct Me Please. Thank you in advance

    • I want to drag (improve, increase) my certificate to the better score.
  • I'm drawing different wall newspapers, pictures and so on.
    • I'm getting prepared to my exams for days on end.
    • There remain 5 months.
    • It's very little for THOSE exams.
    • I do my homework for school at school.
    • I feel ashamed to write "Homework"(in my copybook I mean coz it's not actually a homework ) My mother finally has a two weeks vocation.
  • However she doesn't rest at all.
    • She is solving some problems with the documents - adults' fares in one word.
    • My friends are busy all continually either.
    • They are obliged to take up the courses (classes) twice a week.
    • There are 7 workdays and zero weekends.
    • My second (another) friend even doesn't call already.
    • She is enrolling to medical faculty.
    • The competition is crazy.
    • So she only sends me messages like "Dasha, I...
  • Sorry, just wanted to complain to someone" .
    • It's all our communication.
    • By the way, sorry for complaining to you)) But it's not a big deal, when we enroll, we'll breath a sigh of relief)) First to years you are working for a student's record-book and the rest it works on you.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English