
Texto de CuteAmy - English

  • Nothing Is Impossible

  • I know that you've read this many times.
    • But, Is it actually true - I don't think so.When I was a child I used to break my toys so many times that I crushed them all like wheat flour .
    • After doing this I told my father to retrieve my toys back .
    • My father said " This is Impossibe ,dear".
    • So is it true 'Nothing Is Impossible '.
    • Now there is no unturned stone left. Am I right ?
    • I don't know, that all depends on you whether you trust such kind of things or not .
    • Can you tell me whether you can see the future .Ofcourse not, you can't.
    • Again it's impossible .What's left to prove this wrong.
    • I'm not here to prove anything.For me It's just a text I don't know how you'll take this on your mind. Please...
    • DO NOT IT SERIOUSLY !!!!!!

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English