
Text von Morgenrot - English

  • House

  • About ten years ago people preferred to buy their own place instead of living in a chartered house or flat, nowadays this seem to be unsuitable.
  • Why should anyone want this?
  • First, buy a house seem to be impossible, it is very expensive.
  • If it was the only payment that you would have to do throughout your life it would probably be acceptable, but that is not it.
  • Every year you would have to pay a special tax, otherwise you wouldn't be allowed to live there anymore.
  • Second, you have to be aware of the house's maintenance, any flaw will be nothing but your responsibility and you will have to fix it.
  • Last, if you're thinking to leave your country because of work or anything else it will be a hard decision to make what to do with the place you already owned.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English