
Texto de Jusdepamplemousse - English

    • Duty of english

    • My name is Zahir, I work at the moment in an aluminum factory in Dhaka in Bangladesh in India and I am 13 years old.
    • Here, more than half workers are children.
    • This morning, I arrived late at work because I took care of my mother who is unwell.
    • That is one week which she is ill.
    • The owners have to decide that I had to remain the 1 hour more than the others.
    • I am fear for my mother, she was not appearing but we don’t have enough money for the medicament.
    • My father died when I was 7ans.
    • My mother told me that he died while he worked, while it was an accident and while I had to be very careful.
    • I have the pasty and dry mouth what prevents me from swallowing well my saliva.
  • I am hungry and thirsty.
    • When I eat, foods have no more tastes.
    • It a great deal of dust in the air, it goes into my mouth, sticks to my skin and goes into my eyes.
  • It is very unpleasant.
    • I do not see well there, I am afraid of injuring myself because it already arrived.
    • It makes dark because there are few windows.
    • Other children are as me exhausted and in ends.
    • Little of light which manages to pass is reflected on the aluminum what dazzle me.
  • The noise of machines is deafening.
    • I have a headache.
    • I can hear the boss to shout, he says that one does not go rather fast and that if we continue in this speed, we can stay all night long to work.
    • I cannot hear the wind which blows outside or still the noise of the sheets which rub the some themselves against the others.
    • As soon as we make an error, we are beaten.
    • Machines are very cold I am obliged to wear big tools, in the evening when I bring in my hands are swelled and painful.
    • It is very difficult to know if the fever of my mother fell because of my hands.
    • When I spend my hands on my front I can smell my sweat because it is very hot in the room.
    • There is a smell of warmth which reigns in the room as well as our mixed body odors.
    • The smell of dust is also very strong with the smell of with the smell of toilet because the boss never cleans them because we go there little.
  • He gave us the authorization to go there that once a day.
  • Today, he told us that people would come to see us and that it was necessary to keep quiet, not to make story otherwise he would beat us.
    • If it is anybody comes to speak to us, you should not answer to them.
    • It makes 10 min that a man is held in my left.
  • He observes me.
    • I just cast her small knocks of eye being afraid that he comes to speak to me.
    • He photographed me, I want to ask him why but if I make him, the boss will punish me later.
  • Then I continue to work as if he was not there.
    • I just waits to be able to go back home to be able to see my mother.