
Text from pacela - English

    • A gap year for young people ?

    • Before starting high school or getting into the professional life, many students are taking a gap year.
    • It is this opportunity to travel around the word or to work in a local industry, even though some people consider that is a waste of time.
    • To begin with, such decision proves that the student is open-minded.
    • University studies are not only about diplomas and lectures, but also about being interested in what happens all around.
    • Therefore, traveling in a foreign country helps to improve language skills and to meet different people.
    • It may also strengthen the student’s ability to think about his/her professional plans.
    • At last, the advantages of a gap year on a C.V are important since firms remains very interested by an open-minded student.
  • However, spending some time abroad is not enough.
    • The student has to define the purpose of his travel by defining what is it necessary for him or her.
    • A gap year must be distinguished from holidays.
    • Humanitarian activities or students jobs are obviously goods plans.
  • Furthermore, it depends on the student’s will.
    • A gap year does not match with every student.
    • The student must adapt himself in a new environment, new culture or new work situation.
    • Thus, I believe that universities and families must encourage students to stop their studies in order to give their time to other people, not for themselves.
  • In this purpose, a student could achieve a specific goal such as helping people or learning particular skills rather than having some rest.
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