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🕒 How do you Express the Past in Egyptian Arabic?

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Mona00Mostafa profile picture Mona00MostafaJanuary 2023
To know how to express the past, you have to know how to express the present at first. As, present starts with specific letters before the verb such as: ي، ت
when we remove these letters from the verb it will be turned from present to past.
يأكل = to eat
when we remove the first litter which is ي it will be turned to past
أكل = ate

تلعب = to play
remove ت it will be turned from present to past which is
لعبت = played

Note that: in most verbs starts with ت we remove it from the first of the word and then and it to the last of the word to turn present to past. Usually, we use ت with feminine forms.
Printable profile picture PrintableNovember 2022

vincentvincent profile picture

I = ت

you = ت

he = ........

. she = ت

they = و

you (for more than one) = تو

we = نا

for example

I ate = أكلت

you ate = أنت اكلت

he ate = هو أكل

she ate = هي أكلت

they ate = هم أكلو

you ate = انتو اكلتو

we ate = أكلنا