GIVE ANSWERS - Nederlands

100% GOOD (1 votes)未答复
Interested in Dutch :)


I'm starting to learn Dutch and it is an awesome language. I know German so I can see the diffences, but I'm just looking for a speaking buddy that would be able to help me with pronucation and teach me phrases and so forth.. If you are intrested please let me know and we can contact via Skype. I'm fluent in English and Polish and highly familiariszed with German so we can exchange :)
Dank u.


Mkathryn profile picture MkathrynSeptember 2014
Hey. I'm not sure if you're still on here but if you are I'd love to chat. I'm a native Dutch speaker who is trying to learn German. So, if you're interested let me know (:
Phiastre profile picture PhiastreJuly 2014
I am actually searching for something like this, so please contact me!
Preslav profile picture PreslavJuly 2014
In case you're still interested, I could help you too!
Konrad15 profile picture Konrad15January 2014
Hello, well I'm interested please message me for contact info if you are as well
NederlanderNils profile picture NederlanderNilsJanuary 2014
hi, I'm Dutch and would like to practice my English (and maybe learn a bit of German), so i might be able to help