wil je spaans leren???

80% GOOD (5 votes)


I am Rosana. I am spanish native speaker..i come from Venezuela but i live in germany very near to borde of holland, now i am studing dutch in DOetinchem and  I   really wolud like to find somebody and practice my dutch...i can teach spanish...i think it will be very nice to find somebody and exchance each other ours lenguanges..So if you are native ducth and you wanna learn spanish...I am the person that   you are looking for.......Please let me know if you want do it!!!!!


Gaab16 profile picture Gaab16December 2016
Olá you soy brasileño y hablo my burn português y holandês. Vivo en Holanda. Y quito mejorar mi español
memoriiess profile picture memoriiessJanuary 2011

heey, ik woon in belgie en kan nederlands zeer goed en ik zou graag spaans willen leren, als je wilt.. kunnen we elkaar wel helpen^^

pizza777 profile picture pizza777June 2009



i want to learn dutch :) if somebody can help me with that... i will be gratefull.  Thanks

timotimo profile picture timotimoJuly 2008

hello, i speak dutch, i live in belgium :)

i'd love to improve my spanish, i only speak it a little bit.