Nederlands meisje / Dutch girl learning all kinds of languages

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Hallo / Hello,
mijn naam is Eris en ik wil je graag wat kennis van de Nederlandse taal en cultuur  bijbrengen als jij me wat over jouw taal en cultuur leert / my name is Eris and I'd like to teach you some things about the Dutch language and culture if you'd teach me some things about your native language and culture.
Mijn hobbies zijn het rijden en verzorgen van paarden, lezen, en films kijken / My hobbies are to ride and take care of horses, to read and watch movies. Ik vind het ook leuk om anime en manga te bekijken en te lezen / I also enjoy watching and reading anime and manga.
Ik zou graag over deze en veel andere dingen met je willen praten / I'd like to discuss these and many other things with you.
Ik hoop snel van je te horen / Hoping to hear from you soon!



Enci profile picture EnciJune 2009


I'd like to study Dutch. I can teach you Croatian, if you want. And, of course, there's a lot to talk about our culture.

I also speak German, so I can teach you German, too.


diplomaat1989 profile picture diplomaat1989July 2008

Well Eris..... my name is Marcelo.

I'd like to learn Dutch and I can teach: Portuguese, Spannish, Italian, French.

I am brazilian and I want to make some cultural exchanges.

I'de be pleased if you email me.

write me a message and I pass to you my e-mail.

  My greetings!

Smoove profile picture SmooveJuly 2008
looking for people to teach me dutch and in exchange i teach you english/french,
hope to hear from you soon,
ahmad83 profile picture ahmad83February 2008
hey that was really help but i still find a little hard to learn dutch!!!!!