Dutch in exchange for any language

Voĉdoni nun!

Hello, my name is Michael, I am 17 years old and living in the The Netherlands. Currently I'm learning French, German, Norwegian and Portuguese.

If you want to learn Dutch, and if you can learn me your native language I would love to help!

Please let me know if you're interested

Groeten, Michael


chazzygukguk profile picture chazzygukgukMarch 2014
Hi, I'm Indonesian. and ja naturlijk, ik sprek vloeiend Indonesia. Currently I am learning Dutch..maybe we can exchange send me message if you want
Sissi_1978 profile picture Sissi_1978March 2014
Hi, I exchange my portuguese for your dutch
namiooo profile picture namioooJanuary 2014
Well, I speak Indonesian (surprisingly not the easiest language to learn) and would really like to learn Dutch, so if you're still up for it...
Bobet profile picture BobetJanuary 2014
Hey Michael, your offer sounds great. I would love to help you out while brushing up on my Dutch. Talk to hyou soon!