Pole looking for Czech friends :)

40% GOOD (5 votes)

  Hi. I'd love to meet a friend for language exchange! I'd like to learn Czech very much, but also find someone nice. Preferable snail mail after few e-mails. I can speak Polish (obviously), English, intermediate Croatian and basic French.


westmann profile picture westmannJune 2013

Exchange brazilian portuguese for czech! THE TIME IS NOW! ;-)

Kontrarian profile picture KontrarianDecember 2012
i would like to help you with your czech for your polish
AnulkaCz profile picture AnulkaCzJune 2011


Mohu Ti pomoct s polstinou, a rada bych se ucila s Tebou cestiny!


Petrunkan profile picture PetrunkanMarch 2011

Hi! I´d like to help you with your Czech and you could help me with my English or Polish (I can´t speak Polish at all )

JirkaM profile picture JirkaMFebruary 2011

Ahoj, rád Ti pomohu s češtinou a jinými jazyky. Jak říkal náš rodík Komenský, jazyky jsou brána ke světu.