My croatian and english for italian or spanish

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I have been learning italian in high school but I would like some practice. And also I would like to learn spanish.
I can help you with learning croatian or english.
Thank you


marart profile picture marartJuly 2013
Don't know if that'd interest you, but I'd love to learn Croatian and I can offer my French in exchange (as I see you're learning it)
  • SaraCro profile picture SaraCroJuly 2013
    Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. Well yes the grammar is really complicated and there is so much to learn and know. I'm here to help
  • marart profile picture marartJuly 2013
    Well I'm just starting Croatian as well (started like 3 or 4 weeks ago) so I wouldn't be able to speak anyway hahaha. But thank you for your proposition, I'll think of you when I don't understand something (which will probably happen, since the grammar is so complicated :P). And I'll gladly answer any questions you might have regarding French
  • SaraCro profile picture SaraCroJuly 2013
    I'm just starting with French so if I have any questions I will ask you . Are you starting with croatian or you already know something? If you have any problems or questions regarding anything, fell free to ask and I will help any way I can