wanna learn Croatian? :)

57% GOOD (7 votes)

hello, my name is Ivona and I'm from Croatia... I can teach you Croatian if you want that. I can only speak Croatian and English... So, if you wanna learn Croatian, write comment or write me a private message... Oh, by the way, I wanna learn French and Spanish :) 


Daniel91 profile picture Daniel91March 2013
I can help you with Spanish and practice English
justeunhomme profile picture justeunhommeJune 2012
Hey Ivona! I need to fill a form in Croatian and I was wondering if you could give me a hand. I speak spanish and French, so I'll be happy to help you with those. Thanks!
  • ivona444 profile picture ivona444March 2013
    hey! I cuold help you, it's no problem at all and sorry I didin't respond to you erlier I wasn't active
  • AndreeaC profile picture AndreeaCJune 2012
    hello! i would love to learn Croatian, Ivona! and me too, i speak French and Spanish, so i could help you!
milanello72 profile picture milanello72February 2013
Hello, Ivona! How is correct? žurim mi se OR žuri mi se? Could you explain why must we eliminate "m" in žurim mi se ?
  • ivona444 profile picture ivona444March 2013
    correct is "žuri mi se" because that "m" is only used when you use first person singular in prezent. hope u understand :$