Help learning Catalan

13% GOOD (8 votes)

Hey, I'm an English-speaking Canadian looking for someone to help me learn Catalan. At the moment I know very little. Please help. :(



Helena83 profile picture Helena83August 2012
i will help u... just say how and when... my skype id is helena.gilabert fins aviat!
Lexi96 profile picture Lexi96August 2012
I speak Catalan and I would be so happy to teach you my native language Contact
martaf profile picture martafJanuary 2012
hi! i'm marta from valencia and i speak catalan
a_le profile picture a_leOctober 2010


I'm also catalan, so we can talk all together if you want...!

Hoping hear about you soon..

Ann_92 profile picture Ann_92September 2010

Hi!! I'm from Catolonia. If you are still interresting in learn Catalan I can help you!