
Text from relucasmariano - Català

  • Traducció lliçó 7 - Teach yourself catalan

  • 1-My mother and your (sing. fam.) grandfather were cousins.
    • 1-La meva mare i ton avi són cosins.
    • 2-How do you say in your (pl. fam.) language "Saragossa is a very pretty city"?
  • 2-Com dieu en la vostra llengua "Saragossa és una ciutat molt bonica"?
  • 3-Some customers of ours have just arrived from Palma, and this means that we cannot come to meet the others at Soldevila's today.
    • 3-Alguns de nostres clients han acabat d'arribar des de Palma, i això és a dir que no podem venir a trobar els altres a la can Soldevila avui.
  • 4-If you (pl. pol.) wish, we can all go to see the exhibition on Friday afternoon.
    • 4-Si volen, podem tots anar a veure l'exposició el divendres per la tarda.
  • 5-And now I want to talk about other things and put a few questions to the gentlemen. Let's see...
    • 5-I ara vull parlar sobre altres coses i posar algunes preguntes als cavallers. A veure...
  • 6-According to our guide-book there are three good restaurants here, two cheap and one very expensive.
    • 6-Segons la meva guia hi ha tres bons restaurants aquí, dos barats i u molt car.
  • 7-You (sing. fam.) always used to answer Grandmother's questions, but she would not reply to yours.
    • 7-Sempre costumaves contestar les preguntes de la teva àvia, però ella no contestaba les tes.
  • 8-The tourists ask their guide where they can find a public telephone.
  • 8-Els turistes pregunten al seu guia on poden trobar un telèfon públic.
  • 9-I am carrying my passport in my pocket.
  • Where is (use tenir) yours (sing. fam.)?
  • Teresa always loses hers.
    • 9-Estic portant el meu passaport dins la meva butxaca.
  • On tens el teu?
    • Teresa sempre perd son.
  • 10-We could hear his voice but we couldn't understand what he was saying or what he wanted.
  • 10-Podíem sentir la seva veu, però no podíem entendre que estava dient o que volia.
  • 11-The pupils were always very grateful for their teachers' help.
  • 11-Els estudiants sempre estaven molt agraits per les ajudes del professor.
  • 12-Since there were a lot of us at the table, Thomas was helping his sister to serve the food.
    • 12-Com havien molts de nosaltres a la taula, en Thomas estava ajudant la seva germana a servir el menjar.