
Text från relucasmariano - Català

  • Traducció lliçó 6 - Teach yourself catalan

  • 1-I did not believe the news that Peter was no longer working at the Vilars' place.
    • 1-No creia en la notícia que Peter no treballava més al lloc de Villar.
  • 2-When we were young we used to lead (portar) a very happy life.
    • 2-Quan érem joves acostumàvem portar una vida feliç.
  • 3-Have you (pl. pol.) just come up in the lift or by the stairs?
    • 3-Han pujat per l'ascensor o per l'escales?
  • 4-Old uncle Ramon was saying that he now drank neither coffee nor brandy after meals.
    • 4-El meu vell oncle Ramon estava dient que ara no beu ni cafè ni conyac desprès dels apats.
  • 5-The dining room in the restaurant was decent and clean, but the kitchen where they prepared the food was very dirty.
    • 5-El menjador al restaurant era decent i net, però la cuina on preparaven els menjars era molt brut.
  • 6-The leaves were already dry and yellow and were falling from the trees.
    • 6-Les fulles ja estavan secas i grogas i estavan caient dels arbres.
  • 7-Behind the university there was a little café where the students drank beer at lunch-time, and where they would often go to play at cards before classes.
    • 7-El darrera de l'universitat hi havia una botiga de cafè petita on els estudiants bevien cervesa a l'hora de dinar, i on sovint jugaven a les cartes abans de les classes.
  • 8-Yesterday morning while you (pl. fam.) were all sleeping, Mother was cleaning the house, getting rid of the dust from the walls and taking the rubbish down to the street.
    • 8-Ahir pel matí mentre estàveu tots dormints, la meva mare estava netjant la casa, traient la pols de les parets i baixant les escombraries al carrer.
  • 9-The travellers had just arrived from Girona and were looking for a good hotel near the cathedral.
    • 9-Els viatjers han acabat d'arribar de Girona i estaven buscant un bo hotel a la vora de la catedral.
  • 10-When I worked at the bank I used to have breakfast at home each morning.
  • I would have lunch at Martorell's and then normally take a snack at work before ruturning home every night at supper-time.
    • 10-Quan treballava al banc jo acostumava esmorzar a casa tot matí.
    • Dinava a can Martorell i llavors sovint berenava un refrigeri a la feina abans de tornar a casa totes les nits a l'hora de sopar.
  • 11-We were following a path that led from the coast to the old castle.
    • 11-Estàvem seguint un camí que conduia des de la costa fins al castell vell.
  • 12-Sometimes the boys of the district used to climb the trees and watch the football match from there.
    • 12-De vegades els nois del districte acostumaven pujar als arbres i veure al partit de futbol des d'hi.