Lingodeer Review: A Comprehensive Tool for Language Learning Write a review about this language tool.

4 out of 5 based on 1 user ratings.

Tool description

  • Category: Mobile App
  • LANGUAGES (3):
  • Minimum Price: 11.99 €


Lingodeer is a language learning app with a unique selling proposition of delivering comprehensive language instruction, particularly in Asian languages like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

For this review, I put my expertise as a French language instructor to the test, embarking on a learning journey to attain an A2 level in Japanese, utilizing Lingodeer as my primary tool. This provided me with a holistic perspective on its usability, teaching methodologies, and content structure.

The application presents an engaging user interface, complete with sound design and appealing illustrations that enrich the learning experience. It incorporates diverse exercises to reinforce language comprehension and usage, introducing new content in a pattern that enhances retention and application. The use of Anki-like cards for self-assessment was also commendable, allowing users to track their progress effectively.

While the app has notable strengths, it's not without its limitations. The absence of a 'skip' option for known content and a few technical glitches were noticeable downsides. Its teaching content, while robust, may not fully cater to advanced learners' needs.

Comparatively, Lingodeer held its ground well against competitors like Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, and Memrise. It's characterized by a lower ad frequency, robust lessons, and a clear pricing model. However, each platform has its strengths, and user preferences will certainly vary.

In terms of value for money, Lingodeer's pricing model is fair, given its comprehensive feature set. Its overall rating stands at 3.8 out of 5, with sub-ratings distributed across vocabulary acquisition, grammar, cultural notes, pronunciation, user interface, and value for money.

In conclusion, Lingodeer offers a well-executed, immersive language learning experience that's particularly effective for beginners to intermediate learners. Despite some areas of improvement, the app is a worthwhile investment.

I like...

✅ Comprehensive teaching methodology incorporating various exercises, effective for language comprehension and usage.
✅ Efficient introduction of new content in a pattern that promotes retention and application.
✅ Usage of Anki-like cards for self-assessment and progress tracking, allowing learners to gauge their growth accurately.
✅ Lower ad frequency compared to some competitors, ensuring a smoother learning experience.
✅ Clear and upfront pricing model, offering good value for money considering the range of features and the quality of lessons.
✅ Strong focus and well-crafted lessons for Asian languages, particularly Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

I don’t like...

❌ Lack of a 'skip' option for known content, making the learning experience less flexible for those with some prior knowledge.
❌ Occasional technical glitches can hamper the learning process.
❌ Content may not fully cater to the needs of advanced learners, limiting its scope of use.
❌ Limited options for customization to cater to individual learning styles and preferences.
❌ In-app cultural notes, though insightful, are sparse and not readily accessible, missing an opportunity for deeper cultural immersion.

Detailed description


Embarking on the Lingodeer Journey

Navigating the bustling world of language learning apps can be a journey in itself. Each contender promises unique features, innovative teaching techniques, and exciting learning pathways. But in the crowded sea of apps, one name has gradually risen above the surface, creating ripples with its distinct approach - Lingodeer.
In this digital era, where language learning apps have become as common as smartphones, it takes something special to truly stand out. It's not just about teaching languages anymore; it's about the experience, the journey, and the joy of learning that make the difference. This is where Lingodeer makes its mark. It is not just another language learning app. It's a pathway to dive deep into the linguistic realms of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean - languages often regarded as intricate, challenging, yet profoundly fascinating.

The Unique Selling Points of Lingodeer

One of the fundamental questions any potential user might ask is, "What makes Lingodeer different?" The answer lies in its unique focus on East Asian languages. Unlike most language learning platforms that attempt to cover as many languages as possible, Lingodeer has chosen to specialize, offering comprehensive courses in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. This specific focus allows the platform to provide in-depth and nuanced instruction that takes into account the unique aspects of these languages, from character writing to syntax.
But it's not just about the languages. Lingodeer's charm lies in the way it merges language learning with cultural exploration. Each lesson subtly immerses you in the cultural nuances of the region, adding a new dimension to your learning experience.

Furthermore, the app's interface is designed to foster an engaging learning environment. The lessons are cleverly structured to introduce new concepts gradually, interspersed with enough practice and review to reinforce learning. The presence of interactive elements adds a playful aspect, making the learning process more enjoyable and less strenuous.

Lingodeer's ability to provide personalized learning pathways is another distinctive feature. It doesn’t thrust a one-size-fits-all course upon you; instead, it allows you to adapt your learning to your pace and style. This means you get to take control of your learning, choosing when and where you want to study.

The culmination of these features results in a unique, learner-centric environment that is more than just about mastering a language. With Lingodeer, you embark on a journey where you not only learn a new language but also gain an in-depth understanding of the culture and nuances that make the language so rich and compelling. So, whether you're a seasoned polyglot or a beginner setting out on your language learning quest, Lingodeer promises an enriching and exciting journey that caters to your linguistic curiosity.

Reviewer’s Background and Methodology

A Rich Tapestry of Linguistic Passion: My Journey as a French Teacher

Language has always been my passion, and over the years, this passion morphed into a profession as I delved deep into the realms of French language instruction. The charming château of the French language, with its idyllic avenues of nuanced grammar, the picturesque landscapes painted by its vocabulary, and the soul-stirring melodies of its phonetics, became my domain. In the process of navigating this complex and beautiful terrain, I not only honed my pedagogical skills but also learned to appreciate the intricacies and challenges that learning a new language poses.

The Exciting Challenge: Learning Japanese

So, when my linguistic curiosity started craving a new challenge, the fascinating world of Japanese seemed like the perfect choice. As different from French as a Zen garden is from a Parisian café, Japanese, with its distinctive scripts and layered grammar, offered a refreshing and invigorating linguistic endeavor. To top it all, the rich cultural fabric woven into the language promised to make this journey even more enlightening.

The Trusty Steed for the New Adventure: Lingodeer

The next big question was choosing the right language learning platform. The answer came in the form of Lingodeer, an app renowned for its expertise in East Asian languages. Lingodeer seemed like the perfect companion for my Japanese journey as it promised to bring the much-needed depth and contextual understanding that is crucial for learning a language as nuanced as Japanese. Thus, with a spirit of adventure, I embarked on my new linguistic journey, with Lingodeer as my trusted guide.

A Rigorous Testing Methodology: From Classroom to App

To gauge the effectiveness of Lingodeer, I set a concrete goal for myself: achieving the A2 level in Japanese. The A2 level, in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, signifies a user's ability to understand and use frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance.
From my experience as a teacher, I knew that reaching this level requires a strong understanding of basic grammar, a reasonable vocabulary, and the ability to converse in simple sentences. So, I decided to put Lingodeer to the test and assess how well it equipped me to reach this level.

With this goal in mind, I explored every nook and cranny of Lingodeer. I examined the way it introduced new language elements, how effectively it explained complex concepts, and the variety and relevance of its practice exercises. I paid keen attention to the pedagogical methods employed by the app, evaluating their soundness and effectiveness from an educator’s perspective.

A Continuous Learning Journey: Tracking Progress and Developing Proficiency

Throughout this journey, I made it a point to assess my progress regularly. Was I getting better at understanding spoken Japanese? How was my reading ability improving? Could I communicate my thoughts in simple sentences? As I journeyed through the course, I correlated my progress with the lessons and methodologies employed by Lingodeer.
This rigorous, in-depth exploration allowed me to experience the strengths and weaknesses of the app, from the lens of both an educator and a learner. In this review, I aim to share this journey with you, providing an honest and comprehensive account of my experience, in the hope that it helps you navigate your own language learning adventures.

Lingodeer: A Closer Look

Understanding the Vision: Lingodeer's Concept and Goals

At the outset, we must clarify that Lingodeer is not a simple flashcard app or a word bank in a tech avatar. Instead, it is a platform that takes language learning to an all-new level, mirroring the intricate nuances of an immersive, instructor-led language course, but with the convenience of an application on your mobile device or computer.
Lingodeer is designed with a clear vision: to break down language learning into manageable and intuitive segments without losing the complexity and richness of the language itself. In essence, it's like having your personal language tutor at your fingertips, guiding you through the maze of new words, sentence structures, cultural nuances, and language rules at your own pace.

The uniqueness of Lingodeer lies in the balance it strikes. It retains the rigor and depth of language learning while ensuring that the process remains accessible, engaging, and enjoyable. Rather than confronting a bewildering array of words or grammatical rules, you are taken on a journey where each step leads naturally to the next, building your confidence and competence in the language of your choice.

Focusing on the East: CJK Language Speciality

As you delve deeper into the world of language learning apps, one key differentiator becomes apparent - Lingodeer's focus on East Asian languages, specifically Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, a cluster known as the CJK group. This isn't just a random selection of languages but a well-thought-out strategy to specialize in a niche that is often overlooked by other mainstream language apps.
Each language on Lingodeer is treated as a unique entity, with courses designed specifically for it, taking into account the language's structure, writing systems, cultural nuances, and grammatical rules. So, when you're learning Japanese on Lingodeer, you're not just using a template that's been adapted from English or French courses. Instead, you're learning from a program created with the intricacies and peculiarities of the Japanese language in mind.

For example, if you are learning Chinese, the focus is on recognizing and writing intricate Chinese characters. For Japanese, the emphasis is on mastering the three scripts - Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. For Korean, the spotlight is on understanding the unique 'block' structure of Hangul, the Korean script. This language-specific approach forms the cornerstone of Lingodeer's success.

In this review, I shall share my journey with the Japanese course, having embarked on this path, drawn by the poetic allure of Haikus and the linguistic rhythm of this fascinating language. However, the features and observations highlighted will be relevant across the board, given Lingodeer's consistent approach across all its language courses.

User Experience and Interface

Initial Impressions and Ease of Setup

From the moment you download and sign up, Lingodeer invites you into a friendly, engaging learning environment. After selecting Japanese as my language of interest, I was introduced to the app's unique goal-setting feature. Lingodeer lets you set a daily learning goal in terms of stars: 5 stars for casual mode, 10 stars for regular mode, and 20 for the ambitious learners who choose insane mode. As a seasoned French teacher, this feature resonated with me, introducing a sense of challenge and achievement to the learning process.

Navigating the App: The 'Learn,' 'Review,' and 'Me' Tabs

Lingodeer's core sections, 'Learn,' 'Review,' and 'Me,' provide an intuitive and straightforward user experience. The 'Learn' tab divides content into Alphabet and Nationality categories, allowing users with prior knowledge to bypass familiar material and directly engage with new content.
During my journey with Lingodeer, I found the modular structure of lessons particularly beneficial. For instance, when learning Katakana, the app introduced a small set of characters followed by matching exercises. This sequence of learning and immediate application was effective in reinforcing new knowledge.

The app's ability to surprise and engage was equally evident. A memorable moment was when I was presented with two images, the United States and Japan, and heard the audio say, "あの人は日本人です." Instead of merely matching words to pictures, the app challenged me to think about the meaning of the sentence and select the image that best fit its context.

The 'Review' tab served as my personal practice ground, allowing me to revisit and consolidate what I'd learned. With an Anki-like system, I could choose between vocabulary or grammar reviews, all segmented by the category in which they were taught. This feature allowed me to tailor my practice sessions, particularly when mastering challenging Katakana characters.

The 'Me' tab is the personal dashboard, offering an overview of the learning journey and customization options. Here, I could set reminders, adjust display settings, and download content for offline use.

Engaging Visuals and Sound Design

Lingodeer's visual and auditory design significantly enhances the learning experience. From vibrant illustrations and the adorable Lingodeer mascot to the satisfying sound effects, the app transforms language learning into a highly interactive process.
During a lesson on Japanese greetings, I found the pairing of visually appealing illustrations with the corresponding phrases in Japanese very effective in facilitating understanding and memorization.

The app's auditory feedback turned learning into a game-like experience. For instance, as I navigated through a lesson on Japanese sentence structure, the sound effects made it feel like I was piecing together a puzzle – a gratifying and effective learning process.

The quality of voice recordings is excellent – clear, well-pronounced, and free from repetitiveness. It ensured my experience with learning Japanese remained fresh and engaging.

Teaching Methodology and Content Structure

Setting Goals: A Step Towards Structured Learning

When you first launch the Lingodeer app, you're asked to choose a daily learning objective, essentially how much time you'd like to commit each day. This ranges from a modest 5 stars (Casual Mode), to a demanding 20 stars (Insane Mode). As a seasoned French teacher, I can tell you that having clear, achievable goals is the first step towards successful learning. So, I appreciated this feature from the get-go. I chose the Regular Mode (10 stars), to strike a balance between my professional commitments and my personal ambition to learn Japanese.

Understanding the Anatomy of Lessons

Lingodeer adopts a modular approach to lessons, each split into "learning" and "review" segments. The "learning" part is delivered in small, easily digestible bits, ensuring you're not overwhelmed from the outset. This was particularly helpful as I began exploring the Japanese writing system, starting with hiragana. For instance, I was introduced to the basic vowels: "あ (a)," "い (i)," "う (u)," "え (e)," "お (o)" first, each accompanied by relevant images and basic matching exercises to reinforce the learning.

Application and Recall: The Review Segments

After completing a "learning" segment, I was transitioned into the review part. This is where Lingodeer gets creative, especially with the recall exercises. One exercise that stood out involved matching the phrase "あの人は日本人です" to an image of Japan. Contrary to my expectations, I wasn't asked to match the word "日本" (Japan) to its corresponding image. Instead, the exercise pushed me to understand the complete sentence, enhancing comprehension beyond mere word-to-word translation. It's such intuitive features that mimic real-life scenarios that make Lingodeer stand out.

Delving Deeper: The 'Learning Tips'

Complementing the lessons is the 'Learning Tips' section, which is akin to having a condensed textbook within the app. It's an information-rich feature, shedding light on grammar points, sentence structures, and even the subtle nuances of language use, such as the difference between polite and casual language (敬語 keigo versus ため口 tameguchi) in Japanese. However, despite its utility, I felt the 'Learning Tips' section was slightly hidden and could be made more prominent, considering how beneficial it can be for beginners.

Scope of Learning: A Mixed Bag

While Lingodeer does an admirable job of breaking down complex Japanese grammar and introducing the writing system, the content offered is a bit limited, essentially covering what you might find in Genki I and II textbooks. This depth is perfect for beginners or those looking to reach an A2 level in Japanese, but advanced learners might find the material lacking.

A Word on Customization

Lingodeer allows some level of customization, which is a plus. For instance, you can choose to remove the romaji and hiragana as soon as you feel comfortable. This pushes you to rely on your knowledge of kana and kanji, thus accelerating your mastery of the script. The option to set daily reminders, download content for offline use, and review your progress through a typical stats page adds to the overall user-friendly experience.
In conclusion, the methodology and content structure offered by Lingodeer are well-suited for beginners and provide a solid foundation for learners aiming for an A2 proficiency level in Japanese. However, for those seeking more advanced materials or a more readily available reference section, you might find it somewhat lacking. It would be advantageous for Lingodeer to expand its content to cater to intermediate and advanced learners and make the 'Learning Tips' section more accessible for users. Nevertheless, for its targeted audience, Lingodeer does a commendable job of making Japanese learning structured, engaging, and enjoyable.

Learning Experience

One of the most remarkable features of my journey in learning Japanese with Lingodeer was the sheer variety of exercises available for reinforcing language comprehension and application. The app adopted a holistic approach to language learning, combining reading, writing, listening, and even speaking exercises to ensure an immersive experience.

In the beginning, the exercises were quite simple, like matching pictures with their corresponding Japanese words. However, as I progressed, the complexity grew. I found myself filling in the blanks in sentences or choosing the correct kanji to match with the kana. In one of the lessons on expressing emotions, for instance, I was provided with a sentence in Japanese, "私はとても嬉しいです" (I am very happy), and I had to pick out the appropriate emoticon from the options. The variation of exercises kept me engaged and often left me pleasantly surprised.

One of the highlights of the Lingodeer approach was how they introduced new content. Instead of showering me with a plethora of new vocabulary and grammar rules in each lesson, the app focused on presenting two or three new concepts at a time. This methodical introduction ensured that I had adequately absorbed the new information before progressing further. The exercise that stands out the most in my memory was the pattern variation where I saw images of the United States and Japan with the audio saying, "あの人は日本人です" (That person is Japanese). Instead of prompting me to match "アメリカ" (America) or "日本" (Japan) with the respective images, the app challenged me to understand the sentence's implication and select the picture that best fit the context.
The flashcard system that Lingodeer uses for self-assessment and progress tracking reminded me a lot of the Anki system, a tool that I've recommended to many of my French students. I appreciated how after each lesson, I could use these flashcards to review the vocabulary or grammar structures I had just learned. These flashcards were split into categories of "Perfect," "Good," and "Weak," which allowed me to rate my grasp of the material and revisit specific areas as needed.

However, no learning experience is without its flaws. As I progressed through my journey, I encountered some audio glitches where random audio from previous lessons would play unexpectedly. This was a tad jarring and did interrupt the otherwise smooth flow of my study sessions. Another aspect that I found frustrating was the inability to skip or "test out" of content I was already familiar with. As someone who had previous exposure to Japanese, I felt the need to fast-track through certain sections, and the lack of this option felt like a slight hinderance.

Despite these issues, they didn't significantly detract from the overall learning experience. On the whole, Lingodeer offered a well-structured, varied, and engaging platform for learning Japanese from scratch. My progress was noticeable, and the experience was enjoyable, which, as any language learner or teacher will tell you, are vital elements for successful learning.

Customization and Offline Usability

One aspect of Lingodeer that I admired was its customization options. Personalization is critical in learning because it makes the experience more engaging and tailored to individual needs. In my quest to reach the A2 level in Japanese, the ability to adjust and set daily learning goals was particularly helpful. You could choose between 5 stars (Casual Mode), 10 stars (Regular Mode), and 20 stars (Insane Mode), allowing you to determine the intensity of your study sessions.

The display options also provided an added layer of personalization. You could choose between different scripts, including kana, kanji, and romaji. For learners who are already familiar with the Japanese writing system, having the option to remove romaji and hiragana from the display can make the learning experience more challenging and closer to real-life language use. For instance, when I felt confident about my kana recognition skills, I switched off the romaji display and tested my ability to read purely in kana and kanji, a practice that proved significantly beneficial in the long run.

The reminders feature also impressed me. You can set daily reminders at specific times to ensure that you're consistent with your learning. Consistency, as I always tell my French students, is key to mastering any language. Having a reminder nudge me to open the app and complete my daily goal was indeed helpful.
Apart from customization, the offline usability of Lingodeer is another feature worth mentioning. One of the obstacles I often hear from my students is that they couldn't practice their language learning because they didn't have an internet connection. Lingodeer addresses this issue by allowing users to download all content for offline use. This meant that whether I was on a subway ride without signal or in a rural cafe with spotty Wi-Fi, my Japanese learning could continue uninterrupted.

On the downside, I noticed that the offline mode did sometimes have some synchronization issues. Occasionally, the progress I made offline wouldn't immediately update once I reconnected to the internet. While it wasn't a deal-breaker, it did require me to manually sync the app at times.

In conclusion, the customization features and offline usability of Lingodeer added a layer of flexibility and convenience to my Japanese learning journey. While there were minor hiccups, they didn't significantly detract from the overall positive user experience.

Limitations of Lingodeer

Like all tools and resources, Lingodeer is not without its limitations. It's imperative to bring these into the spotlight for potential users to make an informed decision. The following assessment is based on my experience as a seasoned French teacher delving into the realm of Japanese through the lens of Lingodeer.

Scope of Content

First and foremost, the breadth and depth of content provided by Lingodeer need to be addressed. Lingodeer shines in its capacity to teach the basics, offering a strong grounding in what many might refer to as "elementary" Japanese, comparable to the knowledge gained through resources like Genki I and II. However, for those with sights set on advanced proficiency, the app's offerings may begin to fall short.

For instance, while my journey to an A2 level in Japanese was well-guided and adequately resourced, the app seemed to plateau somewhat when it came to material designed for more advanced learners. This is not to suggest that one should expect a single app to single-handedly guide them to near-native fluency, but it is a noteworthy limitation for ambitious learners.

Technical Glitches

Another area of concern emerged in the form of sporadic technical glitches. The most prevalent of these was an audio error. Random audio clips that I had encountered earlier in my journey would sporadically play while I was in the midst of matching exercises. It's a minor hiccup, but one that has the potential to disrupt a focused learning session.

Lack of Skip/Test Out Feature

Perhaps one of the more conspicuous limitations in Lingodeer is the absence of a 'skip' or 'test out' feature. My previous exposure to Japanese meant I was already acquainted with a portion of the content Lingodeer had to offer. Without the ability to bypass or demonstrate proficiency in these areas, I found myself investing time in navigating through familiar territory. Although this wasn't a significant drain on time, it felt somewhat inefficient. A feature that enables experienced learners to bypass known content could significantly enhance the user experience, making it more adaptable and efficient.

Content Limitations

Finally, the content provided by the app, while generally comprehensive, could be perceived as somewhat limiting for those wishing to gain a wider cultural understanding alongside the language learning process. For example, more in-depth cultural notes, real-life dialogue examples, or content about Japanese history and society could add valuable layers to the learning experience.

In conclusion, while these limitations do not undermine the overall utility of Lingodeer, especially for beginners and those at an elementary level, they do present areas for potential improvement. By addressing these issues, the app could increase its appeal to a broader spectrum of language learners and provide a more personalized and enhanced user experience.

Comparisons with Other Language Learning Apps

Having navigated a variety of language learning apps during my journey into the Japanese language, it's become apparent that each app brings its unique approach, strengths, and weaknesses to the table. In this section, I'll draw comparisons between Lingodeer and three other prominent language learning apps: Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, and Memrise.

Lingodeer vs Rosetta Stone: Focus on Immersion and User Guidance

A key distinguishing factor between Lingodeer and Rosetta Stone is the focus on immersion and user guidance. Rosetta Stone, true to its philosophy, plunges you right into the language from the get-go. It champions a full immersion strategy that leans heavily on visual cues, without offering any translations.

In contrast, Lingodeer provides an intuitive mix of immersion and explicit teaching. Take, for example, the initial hiragana lessons. Lingodeer, unlike Rosetta Stone, does not assume previous knowledge of the script and guides you through each character, explaining the stroke order, pronunciation, and offering opportunities to practice.

While Rosetta Stone's method can indeed be effective for some learners, it might be overwhelming for others, especially beginners. Lingodeer, on the other hand, offers a bit more hand-holding, which can be helpful for beginners as they set foot into a new language.

Lingodeer vs Duolingo: Ad Frequency, Quality of Lessons, and Language Learning

When it comes to ad frequency, Lingodeer outshines Duolingo. In Duolingo, ads frequently interrupt the flow of learning, particularly for free users. With Lingodeer, learning is a more seamless experience, devoid of intrusive advertisements.

In terms of lesson quality, both apps employ gamification to make learning engaging. However, Lingodeer takes the edge with its structured approach and the provision of grammar explanations, which Duolingo sometimes lacks. For example, in teaching Japanese sentence structure, Lingodeer presents an explicit explanation of word order and particle usage, which aids comprehension and application. Duolingo, while it does offer practice sentences, often leaves learners to discern grammatical rules on their own.

In the final analysis of actual language learning, I found Lingodeer to be slightly more effective. For instance, the app's use of pattern variations in exercises like the "あの人は日本人です" example mentioned earlier, forced me to engage with the language more actively and think about sentence meaning rather than mere word-to-word matching.

Lingodeer vs Memrise: Depth of Language Courses, Teaching Methodologies, and Clarity in Pricing

In a face-off with Memrise, the first point of difference that comes to light is the depth of language courses. While Memrise offers a plethora of languages, it shines primarily in its European language courses. Lingodeer, on the other hand, has designed its platform with a focus on East Asian languages and thus provides an edge for learners seeking to master Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.

The teaching methodologies in both apps are appreciable, but they cater to different aspects of language learning. Memrise, with its emphasis on spaced repetition, excels in vocabulary building. Lingodeer, however, adopts a more holistic approach, providing grammar explanations, pronunciation practice, and a blend of exercises. For example, in learning the verb "to eat" (たべます), Lingodeer introduced the conjugations, gave audio examples, and then integrated the verb into various sentences, thus offering a more comprehensive understanding of its usage.

Finally, Lingodeer presents a more straightforward pricing structure. With a single subscription, you gain access to all languages and levels. On the other hand, Memrise offers both free content and premium subscriptions, with the latter being necessary for advanced features and ad-free learning. However, Memrise's course structure can feel a bit scattered due to the mixture of official and community-created courses, leading to some confusion about what content is premium and what isn't.

While none of these apps is a one-size-fits-all solution, their unique strengths cater to different learner needs. If you are focused on East Asian languages, crave structured learning, and prefer fewer interruptions, Lingodeer could serve you well. But if you seek a larger language selection, emphasize vocabulary acquisition, or don't mind a less guided approach, exploring the other options might be worth your while.

Pricing and Value

Before jumping in, it's essential to examine the financial aspect of using Lingodeer. The app adopts a subscription model, with monthly, yearly, and lifetime membership options available. The prices tend to fluctuate based on promotional periods, but you can typically expect the monthly membership to be in the ballpark of $11.99, yearly around $79.99, and the lifetime membership at $199.99.

Let's put the numbers into perspective. Given the robustness of Lingodeer's CJK-focused curriculum, the quality of the content is impressive, and the pricing is relatively fair when compared to similar services. Remember that a single subscription gives you access to all three languages - Chinese, Japanese, and Korean - with the same account, which adds more value if you plan to study more than one.

However, value for money isn't just about the quantity of content; it's also about the quality of learning experience, and that's where Lingodeer stands out. The app's strengths lie in its structured courses, quality pronunciation guide, effective reinforcement activities, engaging UI, and the focus on East Asian languages.

Despite this, the limitations can't be overlooked. The inability to test out of known content can be a time sink for learners who are not absolute beginners. The occasional bugs may need further addressing for a smoother user experience. And for advanced learners, especially those past the Genki I and II level, you may need additional resources to supplement your studies.

In conclusion, if you're a beginner or at an intermediate level looking to learn Japanese, Chinese, or Korean and you enjoy the gamified learning experience, Lingodeer presents reasonable value for your investment. However, if you're looking to reach a highly advanced level or are already familiar with the basics, you may want to consider your options carefully. As always, it's recommended to try the free version of any app before committing to a subscription to ensure it aligns with your learning style and objectives.

Conclusion and Recommendation

As we close this comprehensive review, I want to share my overall thoughts on Lingodeer's strengths and areas for improvement from the perspective of an experienced language teacher and a learner of Japanese.

Lingodeer's user interface is well-crafted, combining a lively mascot, appealing sound design, and a straightforward navigation system. The app follows a pedagogical approach that many language learners will find familiar and comfortable, gradually introducing new elements and reinforcing them through multiple exercise types. This is a practice I appreciate as an experienced French language teacher because it dovetails with the core principles of language acquisition: repetition and context-based learning. The app offers a variety of exercises, from matching pictures and words to multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blanks activities, reinforcing language understanding and application in a way that keeps learning fresh and engaging.

However, no app is without its shortcomings. A noticeable drawback I encountered was the presence of technical glitches such as audio errors. These hiccups, while not prevalent, were enough to cause minor disruptions in my learning process. Additionally, the app lacks the option to 'test out' or bypass content that you may already be comfortable with, which might be a drawback for some learners who wish to advance at a faster pace or focus on specific areas of weakness.
Content-wise, Lingodeer provides a solid foundation for beginners and lower-intermediate learners, but it may not be the perfect fit for those at a higher level of proficiency or aiming for advanced language skills. As I embarked on my journey to achieve an A2 level in Japanese, I found the content and methodologies used to be well-suited to my goal. But I acknowledge that those aiming to attain a higher level might need to augment their learning with additional resources.

Value for money is a crucial aspect to consider when investing in a language learning tool. Comparing the pricing structure of Lingodeer with the wealth of features it offers, my assessment is that it presents a reasonable deal. This is especially true if you're aiming to study multiple languages offered in the app. The ability to switch between languages at will is a unique feature that, in my opinion, enhances the value proposition of Lingodeer.

Ultimately, my recommendation comes down to this: if you're a beginner or an early-intermediate learner and appreciate a gamified, structured language learning experience, Lingodeer might be an excellent choice, particularly for Japanese learning. For learners who have surpassed the basics or aiming to reach an advanced level, I'd suggest using Lingodeer as a supplementary tool alongside other resources to ensure a comprehensive learning experience.

Always remember that there's no universal solution in language learning - the best approach is the one that caters to your individual needs and style. With its unique features and mindful design, Lingodeer could be the key to unlocking your language learning potential. Regardless of the path you choose, the journey of language learning is a rewarding one, and I wish you the very best in it. Happy learning!

Overall Rating: 3.8/5

To dissect this overall rating, I'm going to break it down into several subcategories, which will highlight the areas where Lingodeer shines and where it has room for improvement.

Vocabulary Acquisition: 4/5

Lingodeer does a commendable job of introducing and reinforcing new vocabulary through varied exercises. This incremental approach is extremely helpful for solidifying understanding and retention. However, the application sometimes presents words out of context, which can be a bit confusing.

Grammar: 4.2/5

I was quite impressed with the app's handling of grammar. It offers clear, concise explanations and contextual examples which are invaluable when learning a language as structurally different as Japanese. That said, the app could benefit from more complex grammar lessons for advanced learners.

Culture Notes: 3.5/5

The cultural notes offered by the app are insightful and relevant, adding an extra dimension to the language learning process. However, they're not as extensively provided as I would have liked, which prevents learners from gaining a fuller cultural understanding alongside the language.

Pronunciation: 4.1/5

The audio quality in Lingodeer is generally excellent, and it's clear that native speakers have been employed to provide the recordings. The app also has a slow playback option for learners to catch subtle pronunciation nuances. However, the app lacks interactive voice recognition, a feature present in some other language learning apps which can be helpful for honing pronunciation skills.

Interface & User Experience: 4/5

The app has a clean and engaging interface with intuitive navigation. However, it has minor technical issues and lacks a quick option to bypass already known content, which would greatly enhance the user experience.

Value for Money: 3.8/5

When it comes to value for money, I would say Lingodeer provides a fair deal considering its extensive features. However, the app might not fully cater to advanced learners, so they might need additional resources, which may affect the perception of value.
In summary, Lingodeer offers a solid language learning experience and is particularly effective for beginners and lower-intermediate learners. It has a few areas to improve upon, but the overall package is well-executed and worthy of consideration for anyone looking to dive into learning Japanese or other languages it offers.


What is Lingodeer?

Lingodeer is a language learning app that provides comprehensive language instruction. It is particularly strong in teaching Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, although it offers other languages as well.

How did you test Lingodeer?

I tested Lingodeer by utilizing it to learn Japanese and aim for an A2 level. As an experienced French language instructor, I leveraged my language teaching and learning expertise to evaluate the app's user interface, teaching methodologies, and content structure.

Does Lingodeer offer a variety of exercises?

Yes, Lingodeer offers a variety of exercises that reinforce language comprehension and application. The app introduces new content in patterns and variations that enhance retention and practical application of the language.

Does Lingodeer have any self-assessment methods?

Lingodeer uses Anki-like flashcards for self-assessment, enabling users to track their progress effectively. This feature promotes active recall, a powerful memory enhancement technique.

What are the limitations of Lingodeer?

Despite its many strengths, Lingodeer has a few limitations. There's no option to skip known content, and I encountered some technical glitches during use. Additionally, its content may not fully cater to the needs of advanced learners.

How does Lingodeer compare to Rosetta Stone?

Compared to Rosetta Stone, Lingodeer provides similar immersive experiences. However, Lingodeer is more guided in its approach, leading learners through a structured curriculum.

How does Lingodeer compare to Duolingo?

In comparison to Duolingo, Lingodeer offers more robust lessons and less ad interruptions, providing a better learning experience. Its language instruction is comprehensive, focusing on both vocabulary and grammar.

How does Lingodeer compare to Memrise?

While both Lingodeer and Memrise offer in-depth language courses, Lingodeer presents a clear pricing model and superior teaching methodologies. However, the choice between the two would depend on individual learner preferences.

Is Lingodeer worth the price?

Considering the features and experiences provided by Lingodeer, I believe the pricing model is fair. It's a worthwhile investment, particularly for those interested in Asian languages.

Who is Lingodeer best suited for?

Lingodeer is ideally suited for beginner to intermediate learners. Its structured curriculum, variety of exercises, and immersive teaching methods are effective in building strong language foundations.

Does Lingodeer offer offline content?

Yes, Lingodeer allows users to download all content for offline use. This feature is particularly useful for those who want to learn on the go without having to rely on internet connectivity.

Can I learn multiple languages on Lingodeer?

Yes, Lingodeer offers courses in various languages. However, it's advisable to focus on one language at a time for more effective learning.

Does Lingodeer provide any cultural context?

Yes, Lingodeer does an excellent job of integrating cultural notes within its lessons. These snippets of information provide a deeper understanding of the language within its cultural context, a feature that is often overlooked in language learning apps.

Can Lingodeer help with pronunciation?

Lingodeer does include pronunciation exercises. Its sound design incorporates native speakers' voices, offering users a chance to hear and mimic accurate pronunciation.

How user-friendly is Lingodeer's interface?

Lingodeer boasts a clean and intuitive user interface. Its layout is easy to navigate, with clear tabs for 'Learn,' 'Review,' and 'Me.' The illustrations and the Lingodeer mascot add an element of fun to the learning experience.

Does Lingodeer support advanced learners?

While Lingodeer provides a solid foundation for beginners to intermediate learners, it may fall short for advanced learners. The content may not be extensive or challenging enough for those seeking to attain high levels of language proficiency.

Does Lingodeer offer any personalization options?

Lingodeer does offer some customization features. Users can set daily reminders and learning goals. However, there is a lack of personalization in the learning path itself, as the content structure remains largely fixed.

Does Lingodeer offer any trial period or free version?

Lingodeer does offer some free content, allowing users to get a feel of the app. However, to unlock its full potential, a premium subscription is required.

What's the unique selling proposition of Lingodeer?

Lingodeer's unique selling proposition is its specialized focus on Asian languages, particularly Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. It offers comprehensive and structured courses in these languages, making it a standout choice for learners interested in Asian languages.

Does Lingodeer require internet access?

While internet access is required for some functionalities and updates, Lingodeer allows users to download its content for offline use. This feature makes it convenient for learners to continue their studies even without internet connectivity.

Can I skip lessons in Lingodeer?

One of the limitations of Lingodeer is that it doesn't offer the option to skip or 'test out' of known content. This feature might be a useful addition for those who come with some prior knowledge of the language.

What is the 'Learning Tips' feature in Lingodeer?

'Learning Tips' is a feature in Lingodeer that offers additional support to learners. These tips provide useful insights and explanations to better understand the language concepts being taught.

Does Lingodeer support community learning?

As of my testing, Lingodeer does not support community learning or interaction among its users. The learning experience is mainly individual and self-paced.

Does Lingodeer use English as a medium of instruction?

Yes, Lingodeer uses English as the primary medium of instruction. However, as learners progress, they are gradually exposed to more and more content in the target language to enhance their immersion and learning experience.

Does Lingodeer provide certificates upon completion?

As of my testing, Lingodeer does not provide any formal certificates upon course completion. The app focuses more on knowledge acquisition and practical language skills.

Can Lingodeer run on all mobile devices?

Lingodeer is designed to run on most modern mobile devices. It's compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, making it accessible to a wide range of users. However, it's recommended to check the specific device requirements in the app store listing.

What kind of support does Lingodeer offer to its users?

Lingodeer provides support through various channels. There's a 'Help & Support' section within the app where users can find answers to frequently asked questions. If users face any technical issues or have other queries, they can also contact the support team via email.

Is Lingodeer suitable for children?

While Lingodeer is not specifically designed for children, its user-friendly interface, engaging illustrations, and the cute mascot could make it appealing to younger learners. However, it's always recommended that parents or guardians supervise children's use of any learning app.

Does Lingodeer have a desktop version?

Yes, Lingodeer does have a desktop version. The web version offers the same comprehensive courses as the mobile app, allowing users to continue their learning seamlessly across devices.

Can I reset my progress in Lingodeer?

Yes, you can reset your progress in Lingodeer. However, this action should be taken with caution, as all your progress and data will be permanently erased.

Does Lingodeer offer any discounts or promotions?

Lingodeer occasionally offers discounts or promotions on its premium subscriptions. It's recommended to check their official website or app for any ongoing deals.

How frequently is new content added to Lingodeer?

While the frequency of content updates can vary, Lingodeer continuously strives to improve and expand its language courses. Users are advised to keep their app updated to access the latest content and features.

Does Lingodeer allow changing the learning language?

Yes, Lingodeer allows you to switch the language you're learning. However, it's advisable to focus on one language at a time for better mastery and understanding.

What happens if I stop using Lingodeer for a while, will my progress be saved?

Yes, your progress in Lingodeer will be saved even if you stop using the app for a while. When you return, you can pick up where you left off in your language learning journey.

How to combine the use of Lingodeer with

Learners can use Lingodeer in combination with to connect with language partners, receive corrections from native speakers, join in-person meetups, ask questions and receive answers from native speakers, and discover comprehensive courses in any language. By using Lingodeer to supplement their learning on, learners can improve their language skills and connect with a community of language learners and native speakers.

Can I use Lingodeer to learn a language I already know?

How to take advantage of the Lingodeer offer

Take advantage of the Lingodeer offer by clicking the button below with our affiliate link to purchase or subscribe. When you do this, we earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Moreover, this financial support aids in the development of our site, allowing us to continue offering you high-quality content for free.
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vincent profile picture vincentJune 2023
Lingodeer offers a solid language learning experience and is particularly effective for beginners and lower-intermediate learners. It has a few areas to improve upon, but the overall package is well-executed and worthy of consideration for anyone looking to dive into learning Japanese or other languages it offers.