
Text from 55elena_jv - English

    • A Harmony

    • I don’t stop wondering would we so value summer, would we so enjoy long sunny days, if the wasn’t a period of winter grey short days.
    • If you will see something every day, won’t it satiate?
    • Not by chance a harmony is a balance between light and dark, day and night, major and minor, between work and relax.
  • I had a long bus journey today.
    • I went to the concert of baroque music in ruins of an old church.
    • But it’s not the concert, what I want to share with you now, although the concert was perfect and certainly exactly it put me to this thoughts.
    • I’m about the road to it and back.
  • I enjoyed this road so much.
    • All around - fields, forests, rivers , all is full of strength, all around is so green, so bright, the summer how it is, the summer which has come into its own.
    • The evening rays illuminate it especially cool I thought, but on the way back, after the sunset already, after 10 p.m, it was also great.
    • The cleanest sky with a light blue strip and the horizon colored by sunsets rays made a special atmosphere.
    • Fog over rivers and fields , sometimes stretching like a thin thread, sometimes spreading like a whole sea , it add the magic to the picture, perfect even without it , but all pity that there is no words to express it.
    • So back to the start, would I enjoyed by it all so much if I live through it more often?
    • I guess not, and theory of harmony says the same.
    • But how yet disgusting is short cold winter days.
    • Anyway thanks to those days for that I can feel such climb now. Best wishes


Corrections and Comments

AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBg4 weeks ago
But it’s not the concert, what I want to share with you now, although the concert was perfect and certainly exactly it put me to this thoughts.
But it’s not the concert, whatich I want to share with you now, although the concerit was perfect and certainly exactly it put me to this thoughtslead me to these thoughts which I'm sharing with you right now.

AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBg4 weeks ago
Anyway thanks to those days for that I can feel such climb now. Best wishes
Anyway it's thanks to thoese days for thatwhich I can feel such climba rise in emotion now. Best wishes
Keeping to your usual context!
  • 55elena_jv profile picture 55elena_jv4 weeks ago
    This time I even were searching for the ”right” word to express this ”rise”, but weren’t sure about any as suitable for my thought, so chose the first one that came across.
AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBg4 weeks ago
But how yet disgusting is short cold winter days.
But how yet disgusting isare the short cold winter days.?
Nice use of inversion
  • 55elena_jv profile picture 55elena_jv4 weeks ago
    I like such ways as a contradistinction in texts. Although I use it completely unconsciously. All I’m writing is intuitively, on a whim, without rules.
AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBg4 weeks ago
Fog over rivers and fields , sometimes stretching like a thin thread, sometimes spreading like a whole sea , it add the magic to the picture, perfect even without it , but all pity that there is no words to express it.
Fog over rivers and fields , sometimes stretching like a thin thread, sometimes spreading like a whole sea , it adds to the magic to, the picture, perfect even without it this, but all such a pity that there is no words towords cannot even express it.
Keeping with your implicit wish of expressing yourself in a somewhat literary manner, without changing any of your intended meaning