1/13(月•祝)18:00~ にほんご交流会☆Nihongo Meetup☆成人の日♪, Mon, Jan 13, 2025, 6:00 PM ...

Event description

  • Dato: Jan 13, 2025
  • Tempo: 18:00
  • Address: Adreso videbla por ĉeestantoj
  • www.meetup.com


Nihongo Meetup

Join us for an engaging and inclusive Japanese language exchange event! All proficiency levels are welcome, so if you're a beginner, don't hesitate to join us. This meetup typically attracts a diverse group of participants, primarily in their 20s and 30s, and a large number of international guests each time! Feel free to come alone, as around half of our attendees do. It's perfectly fine to arrive late or leave early. We can't wait to meet you all! ☆

【Entrance Fee】
■ Non-Japanese: Free
■ Japanese: 1000 yen
Note: An additional 500 yen applies for those without a reservation.
Food & Drink: Cash bar (Please order at least one drink!)

【Special Discounts】
■ Free entry for students (Show your student ID)
■ Free entry for individuals celebrating their birthday this month (Show proof of your birth date)
If you qualify, please register via our official LINE! https://lin.ee/bpHlXTI

【What to Bring】
Please bring a form of ID (driver's license, health insurance card, etc.)
We may ask for age verification.

Event Lounge Warp Shibuya
7F, Shibuya Brother Building, 17-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo




■ 日本人: 1000円
■ 外国人: 入場無料

■ 学生は入場無料(学生証をご提示ください)
■ 誕生月の方は入場無料(生年月日が確認できるものをご提示ください)
該当される方は公式LINEにご登録ください♪ https://lin.ee/bpHlXTI


Event Lounge Warp 渋谷
東京都渋谷区宇田川町17-1 渋谷ブラザービル7F


FRON[フロン]: https://lin.ee/E8kHnbF
にほんご交流会: https://lin.ee/bpHlXTI

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fron.nihongo/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/fron.tokyo/
X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/FRONTokyo/

Ili parolas pri ni!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club