☕️🌏 *FREE* English & Japanese Language Exchange, Fri, Nov 15, 2024, 9:00 PM
모임 설명

- 날짜: Nov 15, 2024
- 시간: 21:00
- Address: 참석자에게 보이는 주소
- www.meetup.com
Visit our Info Page
* 日本語の案内は英語の案内の下にございます
☕️🌏 Join Our FREE English & Japanese Language Exchange
This exciting meetup is designed for individuals interested in exchanging English and Japanese languages.
There are no requirements for language proficiency at this social gathering, allowing everyone to freely converse in English and Japanese. While we do not change seats, feel free to move around as you wish!
Expect a warm and inviting atmosphere where all participants are friendly and eager to engage in language practice and cultural exchange. This event offers a cozy and secure setting to relax and enjoy meaningful conversations.
We host a variety of international meetups daily, making this an excellent opportunity to meet new friends. We invite you to come and be a part of it!
☕️ Important Notes
- Please start at the table marked with the Japanese flag.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of language skills.
- As this is a free-time event, there are no seat changes, but you can move around freely.
☕️ Additional Details
💡 Fees
Participation Fee: Free (Open to all nationalities and genders)
* One drink minimum (starting from 500 JPY)
* Additional drinks available from 300 JPY
* Alcoholic beverages can also be ordered
* Light snacks start from 100 JPY
* Please note: Cash only
💡 How to Participate
- Review the "Information" and "Rule Book" links below, then click the "Attend" button on this page.
- Our meetup operates on a membership basis. You must read, understand, and agree to the "Rule Book" to join. A membership card will be provided at the reception upon your arrival.
✔️ Information
Learn More Here
✔️ Rule Book
View the Rule Book
☕️🌏 英語と日本語のランゲージエクスチェンジに参加しよう
☕️ 注意事項
- 最初に日本国旗のテーブルに参加してください。
- 言語レベルの設定はありませんので、どなたでも自由に参加できます。
- フリータイムのイベントですので、席替えはありませんが、自由に席を移動できます。
☕️ 詳細情報
💡 料金
参加費: 無料 (国籍、性別問わず全ての方対象)
* ワンドリンク制 (500円から)
* 追加ドリンク 300円から
* お酒の注文も可能
* 軽食 100円から
* 現金のみ
💡 参加方法
- 以下のリンクから『Information』と『Rule Book』をご確認の上、このページの『参加する』ボタンを押してください。
- 当交流会は会員制です。『Rule Book』をお読みいただき、内容をご理解の上、同意いただければ、参加時に受付で会員証をお渡しします。
✔️ Information
✔️ Rule Book

- vincent
November 2024