🌎🥂☕️ *FREE* International Party at "ENGLISH ONLY CAFE & BAR", Fri, Nov 15, 2024, 8:45 ...

모임 설명

  • 날짜: Nov 15, 2024
  • 시간: 20:45
  • Address: 참석자에게 보이는 주소
  • www.meetup.com

Visit our website for more information


* 日本語の案内は英語の案内の下にございます

🌎🥂☕️ Join us for a *FREE* International Gathering at "ENGLISH ONLY CAFE & BAR"

Experience a vibrant atmosphere filled with diverse cultures while enjoying drinks. Engage in meaningful conversations and freely switch between languages and seating arrangements!

This informal gathering encourages you to interact with a variety of guests, promoting a relaxed and enjoyable international exchange.

Our drink menu features over 30 options at affordable prices, including more than 10 types of beer sourced from both Japan and abroad, ensuring a delightful experience for all beer lovers.

We host numerous international meetups daily, making this the perfect opportunity to expand your social circle. We warmly invite you to join us!

📚 Event Highlights
- Enjoy international exchange over drinks.
- Feel free to speak any language, and switch seats or tables as you like!
- Complimentary board games available. * Please ask staff before starting.
- Solo attendees are more than welcome.
- Most participants are in their 20s and 30s.
- Extensive drink menu with over 30 alcoholic beverages.
- More than 10 varieties of beer from both local and international sources.
- Snacks available starting at 100 JPY.

☕️ Additional Information

💡 Fees
Entry Fee: Free (Open to all nationalities and genders)
* One drink minimum charge (starting from 500 JPY)
* Additional drinks from 300 JPY
* Alcoholic beverages can be ordered
* Light snacks from 100 JPY
* Cash payments only

💡 How to Participate
- Please review the "Information" and "Rule Book" links below, then click the "Attend" button on this page.
- Our meetup operates on a membership basis, and you must read, understand, and agree to the "Rule Book" to join. You will receive your membership card upon arrival.

✔️ Event Information
More details here

✔️ Rule Book
Review the rule book


🌎🥂☕️ Join us for a *FREE* International Gathering at "ENGLISH ONLY CAFE & BAR"





📚 特徴
- お酒を楽しみながら国際交流できます。
- 話す言語や席替えは自由で、机や椅子の移動も自由です。
- ボードゲームが無料でプレイできます。 * 始める際はスタッフにお声がけください
- おひとりでの参加も大歓迎です。
- 参加者は主に20代〜30代の方が中心です。
- お酒のメニューは30種類以上ご用意しております。
- ビールは国産・海外問わず10種類以上取り揃えています。
- おつまみは100円からご提供しております。

☕️ ご案内

💡 料金
参加料: 無料 (国籍、性別問わず、全ての方)
* ワンドリンク制 (500円から)
* 追加ドリンク 300円から
* お酒も注文可
* 軽食 100円から
* 現金のみ

💡 参加方法
- 以下のリンクから『Information』と『Rule Book』をご確認いただき、このページの『参加する』ボタンを押してください。
- 当交流会は会員制となっております。『Rule Book』をお読みいただき、内容をご理解の上、同意いただければ、ご参加の際に受付で会員証をお渡しします。

✔️ Information
Visit our website for more details

✔️ Rule Book
Check the rule book here

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