4/6(土)14:00~ 英語交流会 🇬🇧 English Speaking Friends Meetup☆Saturday, April 6th♪, Sat, Apr 6, 2024, 2:00 P...

모임 설명

  • 날짜: Apr 06, 2024
  • 시간: 14:00
  • Address: 참석자에게 보이는 주소
  • www.meetup.com

- For detailed information in Japanese, please see below -

Join Us for an English Speaking Friends Meetup!

Looking to meet new friends, practice English, exchange languages, and immerse yourself in different cultures? Join us for a fun and casual gathering where you can do all that and more! Everyone interested in international interactions is welcome to come and enjoy the experience♪

【Entrance Fees】
■ Non-Japanese: Free
■ Japanese: 1000yen
No Reservation/+500yen on the day
Cash Bar for Food & Drinks - Don't forget to order at least one drink!

【Special Discounts】
■ Free admission for students (Please present your student ID)
■ Free admission for those celebrating their birth month (Please show proof of birth date)
If you qualify for the above discounts, register on our official LINE account♪

Bring identification documents (driver’s license / health insurance card, etc.)
Participants must be at least 20 years old.

Join us at event lounge warp shibuya:
7F, Shibuya Brother Building, 17-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Visit the event page for more details

- See below for event details in Japanese -

英語交流会 (English Speaking Friends Meetup)


■ 外国人:入場無料
■ 日本人:1000円

■ 学生証提示で学生入場無料
■ 誕生月の方は生年月日提示で入場無料

身分証明書(運転免許証 / 健康保険証など)

会場:event lounge warp渋谷
住所:東京都渋谷区宇田川町17-1 渋谷ブラザービル7F


FRON[フロン]:Official LINE
英語交流会(English):Official English LINE

Facebook:Visit our Facebook page
Instagram:Follow us on Instagram
Twitter:Join us on Twitter

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