🧑‍🤝‍🧑☕️ One-on-One Language Exchange (English/Japanese) = マンツーマン英語/日本語言語交換会, Mon, Jan 22, 2024, 7:00...

Description de l'évènement

  • Date: Jan 22, 2024
  • Heure: 19:00
  • Adresse: Adresse visible pour les participants
  • www.meetup.com

🌐 For all the information about this event, please visit https://englishonlycafe.com/info/


* Japanese instructions are provided below the English instructions.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑☕️ One-on-One Language Exchange (English/Japanese)

Join us for a unique one-on-one language exchange between English and Japanese speakers to enhance your language learning experience.

The event will begin with group socializing, followed by one-on-one conversations in English and Japanese. Every 10 minutes, participants will switch between English and Japanese conversations.

To facilitate smooth conversations, after the initial group introductions, participants will collectively choose a topic for their one-on-one language exchanges.

All participants are friendly and enthusiastic about speaking English and engaging in international interactions. The meetup provides a cozy and safe environment for relaxed and enjoyable conversations.

We host numerous international meetups every day, offering a perfect opportunity to make new friends. Don't miss out!

☕️ Requirements
- Daily conversational proficiency in both English and Japanese is required.
- Participants must be available from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM without joining in the middle of the session.
- Active participation and conversational skills are encouraged for effective language training.

☕️ Time Table
06:00 PM - Open
06:00 PM - Free Talk in English and Japanese
06:30 PM - 🥤 Free Talk in English and Japanese
07:00 PM - 🥤 Free Talk in English and Japanese
* Self-introduction
07:15 PM - 🥤 "One-on-One" (English)
07:25 PM - 🥤 "One-on-One" (Japanese)
07:35 PM - 🥤 "One-on-One" (English)
07:45 PM - 🥤 "One-on-One" (Japanese)
08:00 PM - 🥤 Move to other meetups (tables)
* You can move to other topic tables
09:00 PM - Free-time
10:00 PM - Finish
* 🥤 Change seats

☕️ Information

💡 Fees
Participation Fee: Free (Open to all nationalities and genders)
* One drink charge (starting from 500 JPY)
* Additional drinks from 300 JPY
* Alcoholic beverages are also available
* Light meals starting from 200 JPY
* Cash payment only

💡 Participation
- Please check the "About Meetups" and "Rule Book" links below for more details, and click the attend button on this page.
- Our meetup group operates on a membership basis. To become a member, you need to read, understand, and agree to the "Rule Book".

✔️ About Meetups
For more information about our meetups, visit https://englishonlycafe.com/language-exchange/

✔️ Rule Book
Learn about the flow, rules, and manners of our meetups by visiting https://bit.ly/3CMf9wA


🧑‍🤝‍🧑☕️ マンツーマン英語/日本語言語交換会






☕️ 参加条件
- 英語と日本語の日常会話レベルが必要です。
- 19:00から20:00までの参加が必要です(途中参加不可)
- 積極的な会話ができる方を求めています。

☕️ Time Table
06:00 PM - Open
06:00 PM - Free Talk in English and Japanese
06:30 PM - 🥤 Free Talk in English and Japanese
07:00 PM - 🥤 Free Talk in English and Japanese
* Self-introduction
07:15 PM - 🥤 "One-on-One" (English)
07:25 PM - 🥤 "One-on-One" (Japanese)
07:35 PM - 🥤 "One-on-One" (English)
07:45 PM - 🥤 "One-on-One" (Japanese)
08:00 PM - 🥤 Move to other meetups (tables)
* You can move to other topic tables
09:00 PM - Free-time
10:00 PM - Finish
* 🥤 席替え

☕️ ご案内

💡 料金

Ils parlent de nous !

Media coverage - Polyglot Club
