🌎🥂☕️ *FREE* International Party at "ENGLISH ONLY CAFE & BAR", Sun, Jan 7, 2024, 7:45 P...

Event description

  • Petsa: Jan 07, 2024
  • Oras / Panahon: 19:45
  • Tirahan: Nakikita ang lugar para sa mga dadalo
  • www.meetup.com

🌐 For all the information you need about our event, please visit the official website.


* Japanese instructions are provided below the English instructions

🌎🥂☕️ Join us for the *FREE* International Party at "ENGLISH ONLY CAFE & BAR"

Experience a fun-filled international gathering with the added joy of alcohol!

Engage in global exchanges in a multicultural environment.

We offer a wide selection of affordable alcoholic beverages, ensuring you have a relaxing and enjoyable time.

It's also a fantastic opportunity to meet new friends. Solo attendees are more than welcome, so feel free to drop by.

We organize friendly and international meetups every day, creating a cozy setting that's perfect for making friends. Don't miss out!

📚 Event Highlights
- Very affordable prices.
- Engage in conversations with people from different countries.
- Solo attendees are encouraged.
- Great for forming new friendships.
- Alcoholic beverages starting from 600 JPY and additional drinks from 300 JPY.

☕️ Event Information

💡 Fees
Participation Fee: Free (Open to all nationalities and genders)
* One drink charge (starting from 500 JPY)
* Additional drinks available from 300 JPY
* You can also order other alcoholic beverages
* Light meals starting from 200 JPY
* Cash only

💡 Participation
- Please visit the "About Meetups" page, the "Rule Book" here, and click the attend button on this page.
- Our meetup group operates on a membership basis. To become a member, you must read, understand, and agree to the "Rule Book".

✔️ About Meetups

✔️ Rule Book
- Details on the event flow, rules, and etiquette can be found here.


🌎🥂☕️ Join us for the *FREE* International Party at "ENGLISH ONLY CAFE & BAR"






📚 イベントの特徴
- とてもリーズナブルな価格設定。
- 様々な国籍の人々と会話を楽しめる。
- おひとり様も大歓迎。
- 新しい友達作りに最適。
- お酒は600円から、追加ドリンクは300円から。

☕️ イベント情報

💡 料金
参加費: 無料 (国籍や性別に関係なく参加可能)
* ワンドリンク制 (500円から)
* 追加ドリンクは300円から
* 他のお酒も注文可能
* 軽食は200円から
* 現金のみ

💡 参加方法
- "About Meetups" ページ、"Rule Book" こちらをご確認いただき、このページで参加ボタンをクリックしてください。
- 当交流会はメンバー制です。メンバーになるには、「ルールブック」を読んで理解し、同意する必要があります。

✔️ 交流会について

✔️ ルールブック
- イベントの進行方法、ルール、マナーについての詳細はこちらをご覧ください。

They talk about us!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club