🌎🥂☕️ *FREE* International Party at "ENGLISH ONLY CAFE & BAR", Fri, Aug 18, 2023, 8:00 ...

Event description

  • Дата: Aug 18, 2023
  • Time: 20:00
  • Адрес: Address visible for attendees
  • www.meetup.com

🌐 For all the information, click here


🌎🥂☕️ Join us for a *FREE* International Party at the "ENGLISH ONLY CAFE & BAR"

Experience an international gathering while enjoying your favorite alcoholic beverages!

Engage in cultural exchanges in a multicultural environment.

We offer a wide selection of affordable alcoholic drinks, ensuring you have a relaxing and enjoyable time.

It's also a fantastic opportunity to meet new people and make friends. Everyone is welcome, even if you come alone.

📚 Event Highlights

- Very affordable prices.

- Engage with people from different nationalities.

- Solo attendees are welcome.

- Perfect for making new friends.

- Alcoholic drinks start from 600 JPY, and additional drinks from 300 JPY.

☕️ Event Information

💡 Fees

Participation Fee: Free (Open to all nationalities and genders)

* One drink minimum (starting from 500 JPY)

* Additional drinks from 300 JPY

* Alcohol can also be ordered separately

* Light meals available from 200 JPY

* Cash payments only

💡 Participation

- Please click the "About Meetups" link to learn more, review the "Rule Book" here, and click the attend button on this page.

- By joining, you agree to the rule book.


🌎🥂☕️ Join us for a *FREE* International Party at the "ENGLISH ONLY CAFE & BAR"





📚 特徴

- とてもリーズナブル。

- 様々な国籍の方と交流できる。

- おひとり様大歓迎。

- お友達作りに最適。

- お酒は600円から、お替りは300円から。

☕️ ご案内

💡 料金

参加料: 無料 (国籍、性別問わず、全ての方)

* ワンドリンク制 (500円から)

* 追加ドリンク 300円から

* お酒も注文可

* 軽食 200円から

* 現金のみ

💡 参加方法

- 下記リンクの『交流会について』をご確認の上、下記リンクの『ルールブック』をご確認いただき、こちらのページの出席ボタンを押してください。

- ご参加は『ルールブック』にご同意いただいたものとします。

✔️ 交流会について


✔️ ルールブック

- 交流会の流れやルール、マナーについて記載しております。


Говорят за нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club
