Youth & Young Adults (Under 35) Language Exchange ランゲージエクスチェンジ, Sun, May 12, 2024, 10:00 AM ...
Event description

- Date: May 11, 2024
- Tempus: 06:30
- Address: Address visible for attendees
Welcome to our Youth & Young Adults Language Exchange Event!
Join us on a Sunday morning for a fun and interactive language exchange experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to practice and improve your language skills!
Meet fellow speakers of Japanese and English, make new friends, and enjoy a vibrant language exchange session. All individuals under the age of 35 are welcome to participate!
Feel free to invite your friends and share the excitement with everyone. Let's create a memorable and enjoyable language exchange event together!
Participation in this event is completely free of charge. Don't hesitate to join us for a rewarding language learning experience!

- vincent
May 2024