Welcome to Japan Polyglot Network!
Japan is an island country in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of China, Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea in the south. The characters that make up Japan's name mean 'sun-origin', which is why Japan is sometimes identified as the 'Land of the Rising Sun'.
- BediSeptember 2007
neelo_omerJuly 2017 I really like Japan ...its a great country ..I am learning English ..can u be my friend? |
kazuki2069July 2013 I went to downtown of Vancouver to see the fireworks today. Tough country is different, Fireworks is same, it was so beautiful that I was impressed. Also, I have a question. ・How should I reply to "How are you?" or "Are you good?" I always say "Yeah, how about you?", but I am not sure it is correct. |
HollyLawlietNovember 2016 The answer to "Are you good?" would be "Yeah, how about you?" just like you said. Though when answering to "How are you?" you should say "I'm good, how about you?"
NojimaApril 2014 You'd answer by "Fine" or "So So."
saya115November 2016 I would like to learn French. If you would like to lean or practice Japanese, I can help you. |
NelielAugust 2013 Hello, I would like to learn Japanese in exchange I can teach Italian. |
JapaneseminaOctober 2013 I live in Niigata
WolDstnSeptember 2013 I haven't really seen many Japanese speakers on this site, but I live in Japan now.
Omnēs networkēs:
10 OctTokyo10/10(木)19:00~ 日韓交流会☆Korean-Japanese Exchange Meeting☆初心者歓迎♪, Thu, Oct 10, 2024, 7:00 PMThursday
10 OctTokyo10/10(木)19:00~ 旅好き交流会☆Travel Lovers Meetup☆Thursday, October 10th♪, Thu, Oct 10, 2024, 7:00 PMThursday
12 OctTokyo10/12(土)14:00~ フランス語交流会☆French-Japanese Exchange Meeting☆Samedi 12 octobre♪, Sat, Oct 12, 2024, 2:00 PMdeinde septimana
12 OctTokyo10/12(土)14:00~ 英語交流会☆English Speaking Friends Meetup☆Saturday, October 12th♪, Sat, Oct 12, 2024, 2:00 PMdeinde septimana
13 OctNagoyaSunday Pick Me Up - 国際交流ゴミ拾い, Sun, Oct 13, 2024, 10:00 AMdeinde septimana
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14 OctTokyo10/14(月•祝)14:00~ 国際交流会☆International Friends Meetup☆女性&学生&誕生月の方入場無料♪, Mon, Oct 14, 2024, 2:00 PMdeinde septimana
14 OctTokyo10/14(月•祝)17:00~ にほんご交流会☆Nihongo Meetup☆スポーツの日♪, Mon, Oct 14, 2024, 5:00 PMdeinde septimana
18 OctTokyoFriday Friends『Free』, Fri, Oct 18, 2024, 8:30 PMdeinde septimana
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26 OctNagoyaThe TV Tower of Terror ハロウィン仮装国際交流 [完全無料!], Sat, Oct 26, 2024, 6:00 PMIn 3 weeks
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26 OctNagoyaSUPERNATURAL HALLOWEEN 2024 名古屋国際交流ハロウィンパーティー, Sat, Oct 26, 2024, 8:00 PMIn 3 weeks
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31 OctTokyo10/31(木)19:30~ ハロウィンナイト 🎃 Halloween Night Meetup☆2024♪, Thu, Oct 31, 2024, 7:30 PMOctober 2024
01 NovTokyoFREE Monthly Meetup Party (LE/ Chat/ Make Friends)🎉 第一金曜日夜国際交流ミートアップ無料❤️, Fri, Nov 1, 2024, 8:30 PMDeinde mensis
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02 NovTokyo🕯️Saturday Night Rooftop Party✨☽⋆土曜の夜の屋上パーティー, Sat, Nov 2, 2024, 8:57 PMDeinde mensis
15 NovTokyoFriday Friends『Free』, Fri, Nov 15, 2024, 8:30 PMDeinde mensis