🌸Afternoon Bloom stroll in Satsukiyama (+ go Ikeda Castle + free zoo)🌸, Sun, Apr 7, 2024, 12:00 PM ...
Event description

- Күні: Apr 07, 2024
- Time: 12:00
- Мекен-жайы: Address visible for attendees
- www.meetup.com
Join us for a delightful afternoon exploring the beauty of Satsukiyama Park in Osaka! This event welcomes both locals and foreigners, creating a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or just looking to enjoy a leisurely stroll, this outing is perfect for all. While we may be early for cherry blossoms, the stunning scenery and lush greenery of Satsukiyama are not to be missed.
Located just outside Ikeda, Satsukiyama Park boasts around 35,000 cherry trees adorning the landscape. From the observation tower atop the mountain, visitors can marvel at the panoramic views of the Osaka plain bathed in the soft March sunlight. Don't miss the Cherry Blossom festival within the park and a visit to Satsukiyama Zoo for a truly memorable experience. Our itinerary also includes a stop at Ikeda Castle to admire the Cherry Blossoms in full bloom.
Get a sneak peek of our upcoming adventure by watching these YouTube videos:
1. Gorgeous Ikeda Castle and grounds...paradise that few people know
2. Satsukiyama Amazing views...270 degrees views
MEET UP LOCATION: Ikeda Station on Hankyu Takarazuka Line. Outside exit 1
PARTICIPATION FEE: 1000 yen for adults, 300 yen for kids
CONTACT: For any inquiries, feel free to reach out to Andy on Facebook

- vincent
April 2024