Sunday Pick Me Up - 国際交流ゴミ拾い, Sun, Apr 13, 2025, 10:00 AM
Event description

- Datum: Apr 13, 2025
- Time: 10:00
- Adress: Address visible for attendees
Check below for the Japanese version!
Join us for the "Sunday Pick Me Up," Nagoya's premier environmental initiative! Since its inception in 2019, this beloved event has gathered hundreds of volunteers who have collectively removed over 2 tons of litter from our streets! ♻️
We organize this event for three main reasons:
- To maintain a clean city and promote sustainable practices.
- To foster a sense of community and engage with local residents.
- To forge new friendships and enjoy a fun day outdoors!
We invite you to join us for a day filled with fresh air, camaraderie, and positive action as we work together to beautify our city! ✨
Our meeting point is the northeast corner of Shirakawa Park at 10:00 AM. If you're interested in participating in Sunday Pick Me Up, please make sure to RSVP on Meetup ✅
Sunday Pick Me Upは名古屋で最も人気のあるボランティア環境活動で、2019年以降、数百人の参加者と一緒に街中のゴミを2トン以上回収してきました♻️
- 街をきれいに保ち、環境にやさしい習慣を広めるため
- 街に親しみを持ち、地域の一員となるため
- 新しい友達を作り、楽しむため
朝10時に白川公園の北東角にて集合!Sunday Pick Me Upに参加される方はMeetup上で参加登録をお忘れなく✅

- vincent
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