Sunday Pick Me Up - 国際交流ゴミ拾い, Sun, Oct 13, 2024, 10:00 AM
आयोजन का वर्णन

- Date: Oct 13, 2024
- Samay: 10:00
- Address: Address visible for attendees
Check out the Japanese version below!
Join us for the "Sunday Pick Me Up," an exciting and impactful environmental initiative in Nagoya! Since its inception in 2019, this event has attracted hundreds of enthusiastic participants who have collectively removed over 2 tons of litter from our beloved city streets!
Our mission for this gathering is threefold:
- To maintain a clean urban environment and promote sustainable habits.
- To deepen our connection to the community and contribute positively.
- To foster new friendships while enjoying the outdoors!
Come, unwind, breathe in the fresh air, and help us make Nagoya a cleaner place!
We will convene at the base of the TV Tower at 10:00 AM. If you're interested in participating in the Sunday Pick Me Up, please SIGN UP HERE!
「Sunday Pick Me Up」は、名古屋で最も人気のある環境ボランティアイベントで、2019年からこれまで、数百名の参加者が協力し、街のゴミを2トン以上回収してきました!
- 街を清潔に保ち、エコな習慣を広めるため。
- 地域に親しみを持ち、積極的な市民になるため。
- 新しい友達を作り、楽しむため。
朝10時にテレビ塔の下に集合します。Sunday Pick Me Upに参加をご希望の方はこちらから事前に登録してください!

- vincent
October 2024
Aichi Prefecture - Events