Veneto - Polyglot Network

अपना शहर टाइप करें


honest_16 profile picture honest_16October 2013
Hello,I am Servet,23 years old from Turkey.I will be in Venice at 11 November with my gf.Is there someone can host us in Venice ?
nadea profile picture nadeaOctober 2013
voglio imparare l'italiana
nara73 profile picture nara73September 2013
Vi segnalo due ritrovi settimanali:

Per inglese: Spritz English tutti i martedì

Per il francese: Spritz Français tutti i mercoledì

Bar Petrarca, via Umberto I, 97 Padova a partire dalle ore 20.00
furdani profile picture furdaniJune 2013
Hi, I'm an Italian teacher looking for increase my English skills by an exchange. I can offer my Italian complete with grammar skills. Bye. Daniele
Boniver profile picture BoniverJune 2013
Ciao, organizziamo un incontro a Verona?
Piper-Annie profile picture Piper-AnnieNovember 2012
Hello Everyone! I am from the state of Michigan in the United States. I am looking for penpals to help me with learning Italian and I can help them with learning English.
fortunatolazzarini profile picture fortunatolazzariniMarch 2013

Ciao a tutti ! sono Fortunato di Padova,  ho 44 anni e devo studiare inglese per lavorare a Venezia e Roma, io posso insegnare la lingua italiana,  chi mi vuole aiutare ??

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