Italy - Polyglot Network

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Welcome to Italy Polyglot Network!

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ITALIANARTIST profile picture ITALIANARTISTOctober 2013
Hej, jeg er italiensk, og jeg ønsker at lære dansk: Jeg kan lære dig italiensk eller engelsk!

ciao sono italiano e voglio imparare il danese: posso insegnarti l'italiano o l'inglese!
ITALIANARTIST profile picture ITALIANARTISTOctober 2013
Hallo, ich bin Italiener und ich möchte Deutsch lernen: Ich kann Ihnen beibringen, Italienisch oder Englisch!

ciao sono Italiano e voglio imparare il tedesco: posso insegnarti l'italiano o l'inglese!
Jus88 profile picture Jus88October 2013
Hey is someone out there that want to talk in english with me, i'd like to improve
nucleomania profile picture nucleomaniaOctober 2013
quien quiere hablar español en zona de TREVISO-PADOVA-CONEGLIANO?
seldacetinkaya profile picture seldacetinkayaOctober 2013

Hey guys! I want to learn Italıan and I can teach Turkish.If anyone ınteresting  that please keep touch with me

Fairy9388 profile picture Fairy9388October 2013
Hi everyone! I'm italian, I live in Florence and I would like to learn english..I search a pen friend all over Italy! In exchange I can teach you italian..! Thank you! Bye!
EnnyIsCrazy profile picture EnnyIsCrazyOctober 2013
Hello everyone... I'd like to learn German... There's anyone who wants to help me... I can teach you Italian (Writing and Speakin) and Thai (Speaking)...
yan8 profile picture yan8September 2013
Ciao tutti!sono un studente di padova.Vorrei promuovere l' potesse aiutrmi potrei insegnare cinese in cambio.grazie.

Mga kaganapan


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