Italy - Polyglot Network

Welcome to Italy Polyglot Network!


italianandspanish4u profile picture italianandspanish4uJuly 2012
If someone needs italian lessons or spanish lessons I can help you
cortomaltese profile picture cortomalteseJuly 2012
salut à tous, je suis italienne, mais je cherche des français ouverts avec qui pratiquer mon français, en échange je vous aiderai avec l'italien.
petrenkina74 profile picture petrenkina74July 2012
Hello! I am italian, I would like to improve my german, I can help you with italian!!
SamMercury profile picture SamMercuryJuly 2012
I need to improve my swedish....Please swedish native speakers!! I can teach you basic , intermediate and advanced italian !
gerardova profile picture gerardovaJuly 2012
i would like to improve my english language and i am looking for someone that would like to have a conversation on skype, please let me know !
i am happy to share my italian knoledge about italian language.
annalisamura profile picture annalisamuraJuly 2012
Hola, quiero mejorar mi español
SamMercury profile picture SamMercuryJune 2012
I need to improve my swedish....Please swedish native speakers!! I could teach you basic , intermediate and advanced italian !




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