meeting for learning italian and English

Opis događanja

  • Datum: Oct 16, 2016
  • Vrijeme: 15:00
  • Adresa: Adresa vidljiva polaznicima
  • Cijena: free€
  • Number of Attendees expected: 20
  • MAX number of attendees: 15
  • Broj telefona: +393881436283
Let us change the norm and boredom. let us meet in an attempt to exchange our knowlege in languages and cultures. I'm so excited to meet you


Hi, i'm Zahia from Morocco but curently I'm living  in Milan as a volunteer. Actually, i want to learn Italian with native italians and i hope you would help me with this. I would really appreciate it. Waiting to hear from you so soon. Thanks


 Ciao, io sono Zahia dal Marocco, ma attualmente io vivo in Milano come volontaria. In realtà, voglio imparare l'italiano con gli italiani nativi e spero che mi avrebbe aiutato con questo. Lo apprezzerei molto. In attesa di sentire da voi così presto. Grazie I need your help please


Don't forget i can help with English.

Waiting your comments :) 



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Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2016
Hello, this event is taking place every month at 3pm ? could you please confirm.
best regards,
vincent, admin
gerseppe profile picture gerseppeSeptember 2016

Dear friend, with pleasure. Have a nice time. Giuseppe

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2016
Thanks for proposal, Vince, admin